Damn it Ryan!

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Previously on 'Adopted by Markiplier?!':

She crept to top of the stairs. Listening to the friends speaking to eachother,she pulled out the smoke bomb ready. She counted down in her head down from 10 to 0 until her plan was very rudely interrupted.

"What are you doing Audrey?"

Damn it Ryan! How the hell was I supposed to explain why I was crouched near the top of the stairs, with a smoke bomb in my hand,in a thick coat with a hat in the middle of summer. I did the thing where your sentences consist of sounds like 'Umm' 'ah' etc.

"I can explain, I think,"

Ryan stared at me, waiting for my explanation. I saw that the door to my room was right in front of me so I took the opportunity to bolt. The ring of the smoke bomb decided that it didn't like the bomb anymore and caught itself on the zip of my jacket. I also accidentally dropped the bomb which caused to go off. The shock of it made me scream in surprise. It also gave me enough time to run to my closed door. In that moment I forgot that I had closed my door. Which meant that I ran into it. At the same time Marks smoke detector/alarm went off. Mark and Matt came running upstairs at the sound of another thud. The fact that there was smoke everywhere, I was on the floor and Ryan just standing there might of set them if into a laughing fit.

"So when I first came here, I came with supplies and I may or may not of run out of them and I wanted to improve my ninja skills so I devised this plan to sneak out and get them but then Ryan ruined my entire plan and I need to breathe,"

As I finished my long sentence, I took a gasp of air. Mark and Matt started laughing harder and Ryan started laughing with them. I felt my face begin to heat up and change colour. After a few moments,their laughter and my face died/cooled down.
"That doesn't explain why you're wearing a coat and hat in this kind of weather,"
"The sun is my enemy,"
That made them start laughing again. I remember I was still on the floor and still needed to go and get my supplies.The trio ((Any other Hetalian think of the bad friends trio)) were too caught up laughing that they didn't notice me start rolling towards the stairs. As I reached the stairs I jumped up on to my feet. I began running down the stairs. Now I don't recommend running down stairs no matter how much of a hurry you are in because 9 times out of 10, you will fall. This moment wasn't one of those 1 out of 10 times. Instead I fell. After I got real friendly with the floor, the three Youtubers upstairs began coming downstairs.
"Seriously,what is it with me and falling today?"

A/N: Imma clarify that when I put (( as opposed to ( it mean author comments. So if you see two brackets, it's me commenting. One bracket means it's Audrey. The picture is also the best picture I could find describing Audrey.


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