Im fine,why wouldn't I be fine

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~~~2 week time skip~~~

(3rd person POV)

Audrey had been at Mark's house for 2 weeks now and had, unfortunately, run out of supplies. Meaning she would have to leave the house, go out into the sunlight that could potentially kill her if it wanted to. She didn't have many good memories with it. Every memory ended in unhappiness. It had burned her and given her illness(though they were minor). It was her arch enemy.

Its name was The Sun.

This time though,she was prepared. She had the highest factor of sun cream/block she could buy. She was also wearing clothes that didn't show any of her pale skin. She was wearing a messenger boy kind of hat from when she had cosplayed as 2p! China. She had money tucked in her pockets, enough for her supplies. Mark was downstairs with Matt, Ryan and Jack (using Skype). She couldn't climb out a window,that would look way too shifty ((o rly)). She would have to sneak past the quartet of youtubers. Unfortunately, to get out the house through the front door, she'd have to pass the four friends. The back door wasn't an option. She'd have to climb over the fence into the neighbours back garden and there weren't any alleyways to go through. She would have to go through the front room, behind the sofas and through the front door.

But it is here, dear readers, where Audrey Jackson is faced with a problem. The problem is the problem of not being seen. Audrey scribbled down possible solutions only for them to be impaled with a thick black line.

An hour later, she had it. She didn't know why it wasn't the first idea that came to her. She would run for it. She would sneak past, hide behind the sofa nearest the door and, when they weren't paying attention, throw a smoke bomb Nathan had given her before diving for the door, open it and run faster than Usain Bolt. She slipped in to her favourite pair of Vans and began her mission. She started by opening her door.
Mission Part one: Success.
She engaged Mission Part Two. Unfortunately, Audrey is a dingus and the author of this story is a douche-canoe. She was too occupied checking Mark, Matt or Ryan weren't climbing the stairs, she forgot to look ahead.


Audrey fell backwards,clutching her forehead. The youtubers downstairs heard the commotion and became curious.

"Audrey? You alright up there?" Mark called from the bottom of the stairs.


"Yea.I'm fine,why wouldn't I be fine?"

"What was that thud?"

"I opened a door too violently, I'll apologize for it though,"

She muttered apologies to the door to add to her point. She heard them laugh before walking back to the front room. She let out a heavy sigh. I was almost caught and it's only Part two. She crept to top of the stairs. Listening to the friends speaking to eachother, she pulled out the smoke bomb ready. She counted down in her head down from 10 to 0 until her plan was very rudely interrupted.

((Haha I'm ending it here,))

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