If this is a dreamwhoever wakes me up is dead.

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"Oh, Mr.Fischbach, I didn't expect you so early,"

My eyes widened at the name. Fischbach. One name came to mind as she said it. Mark Fischbach. No. It couldn't be. What would he be doing here? Was he the man she was talking about? Holy shit.

"This group are the ones here that fit the description that you gave me,"

I was staring blankly at the chair in front of me while screaming on the inside. I was too lost in thought that I didn't hear her tell us to introduce ourselves.

~~~~ Amelia's POV~~~~

Audrey was zoning out or being ignorant. I looked to Alice for help. Alice took my phone from my pocket and typed in the passcode. How she knows it I have no clue. I think she knows everyones passcodes/passwords. She stayed still for a moment,staring at my phone screen. My eyes widened when I realized what she had seen. I reached and pressed the back button. She stayed deathly still before suddenly shaking her head. Also hitting me in the face with her long ponytail.I watched her load up YouTube and type in 'Of Mice and Men'.

"Alice, I know you love books and all that, but how the fuck is a book going to help us?"

"That's very true but there's a band called 'Of Mice and Men'. They do the same kind of music as 'Bring Me'," She said without looking up.

She tapped on a video called 'The Depths'. She turned the volume up as high as it would go and the begining drum beats started. She pressed the speaker to Audrey's ear and the guitars/bass started. Me and Freya pulled the chairs on Cory's sides out from the table. We heard a loud raar before Audrey jumped like 10 feet into the air and fell onto the floor. I actually did try to hold in my laugh but that meant holding my breath. If I didn't need oxygen I wouldn't have burst out laughing like a hyena. I tried clinging on to Freya to stop myself from collapsing but ended up bringing her down with me. Audrey alternated between glaring at me and Freya and Alice. We heard 'Mr Fischbach' ask Audrey if she was okay. We looked and saw our friend turning into a tomato. She gulped before taking the man's hand. I don't think I've ever seen her shake that much before.

"Okay then, everyone, this is Mark Fischbach, he's looking to adopt a teenager,"

"So you're looking for the people that scared the living shit out of Gerard 'Master of the Wicket' Way?"

Mark gave a confused look and Audrey sent us a death glare.

"Sorry about them,um, my name is Audrey. The short blonde one is Alice, the one that kind of looks like she has a ton of candy floss in her hair is Freya, the only male in this group is Cory and the normal one is Amelia,"
"Mr Fischbach, would you mind coming to my office so I can give you basic information about these teenagers,"
Mark nodded and followed orphanage woman lady to her office and the second they were out of earshot Audrey literally squealed. Like high-pitched makes-deaf-people-go-deaf squeal.
"I swear to Satan,if this is a dream,whoever wakes me up is dead,"


A/N: Hi, I'm the Keera(the author). I just want to say somethings, starting with: OH MY SATAN WHEN THE HELL DID I BECOME A DECENT AUTHOR TO THE POINT WHERE PEOPLE WANT TO READ THIS! Now that is out of the way, thank you for deciding this thing is worth time to read. I will try and update ATLEAST once a week. This is pretty much the first thing I have published as a serious story I will continuously update. If you read this to the end then I just want to say you,are awesome.Not Prussia awesome but awesome nonetheless. I don't have anything else to say so yea.Cya later bru.

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