Prussia objects.

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"Prussia objects," Freya muttered.

"I don't," I replied.

I noticed Mark waiting by the door,waiting for me. I walked out with him to his car that was parked relatively close to the entrance. He went round to the drivers side and unlocked it before helping me get my shit in the boot ((A/N: The back thing of a car,I think you Americans call it 'the trunk')) of his car. I climbed in to the front of his car next to him. The engine roared to life and we started down the road,away from the orphanage where I had spent most of my life.

"So Audrey, I guess I don't have to really introduce my self, do I?"

I let out a short nervous laugh. I mean, the hell was I supposed to do when I was in a car with my newest adoptive father figure who also happened to be the man I have idolized for years.

"Nah, you tell us all enough in your videos,"

He chuckled at that.

"Suppose so. But I think that since you know quite a bit about me, it's only fair that you tell me a bit about yourself,"

"There's not really any point since you're just gonna take me back when the trial period is over,"

"How do you know? For all you know, I could take a liking to you and want to permanently adopt you,"

"Heh, suppose so. But what do you want to know?"

"Just a basic bio on yourself, things like: name, age, birthday, favourite colour and animal, that kinda stuff,"

I took a deep breath.

"My name is Audrey Jackson, I'm 16 years old with my birthday falling on December 3rd. Some of my favourite bands are Fall out boy, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Hollywood Undead, Of Mice and Men and the occasional Vicaloid song. My favourite colour is blue and purple, favourite animal is a panda ((aru)). I have an insane sweet tooth and I can handle loads of sugar easily. I'm a vegetarian but if you wanna be awkward then I'm a pescatarian ((a vegetarian that eats fish)) and I need to breathe,"

Mark chuckled again with a nod.

"Alrighty then, Audrey. We're nearly there now,"

It took five more minutes to reach Mark's house, it wasn't big and gaudy like most famous people have. It was a simple two-story home, probably has an attic. Mark parked the car into the driveway and cut the power.

"You ready, Audrey?"

"Is Freddy?"

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