Meet Emilia, Jackson and Zach

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Zachary Monroe

(From LeeLuWasTaken)

Personality: Zach's a mute but he knows ASL but tends to write because not a lot of people know it. Since he has to write a lot he taught himself how to be ambidextrous for when he gets hand/wrist cramps. He doesn't like fighting or confrontation because his mom was abusive before his dad took him. His brother got him into Marvel comics when he lived with him and he's took that with through with him. Zach's also asexual and has literally no interest in a relationship for himself.

Looks: Zach's got complete heterochromia (where the irises are different colours) which made his left eye brown and his eye right blue) and really light freckles that are most visible in the sun. He uses his freckles to decide whether someone is too close by how they good they can see his freckles. He has dirty blond hair that he keeps short and half slicked to the side.

Emilia/ Jackson

Personality: people pleaser (not in the dirty way but like they want everyone to like them), is a freak about dental hygiene, they can be childish at times, always worrying about money, always try's to keep the fact that they are bigender a secret for bullying purposes.

Ethnicity: Korean

Sexuality: pansexual/panromantic (pansexual: Definition. not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.) (panromantic: Definition. A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender. Similar to biromantic. Panromantics will tend to feel that their partner's gender does little to define their relationship.)

Age: 16

Likes: video games, swimming, soccer, fashion, playing instruments, anime, manga, comic books, invader zim, cosplaying and just plain chilling.

Hates: SCHOOL (ITS THE DEVIL), homophobes, bully's, when people overreact, people that are way bubbly and nice (it gets suspicious)

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