(Not a Chapter but still super important)

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Ayoo. I'm not sure what to class this as but it's not an authors note but anywhore I have a thing imma pose to y'all.

So basically I have things planned in the story (wayyyy further on but I still need this stuff now) but I'm two characters short. Now don't mistake me for being lazy, it's just that I have a crazy bunch of ideas and can't decide so I thought 'hey, you know how you can be a not so shitty author?Get the readers involved!'.

It's up to you how you present your ideas. You can join up with a friend and create characters to send in. You can type the ideas up and send them to me through any of my social media accounts (all the ones I feel comfortable with sharing are listed on my profile in the bio section ).

If you do send me an idea and I do choose it, you'll get things such as:
• Daily conversations with me (unlucky you)
• Constant shout outs
• A rough gist of the storyline
• Previews of the next chapter
• Me coming to you for advice
• Spoilers

You can make these characters as quirky and as different as you want.  For example (these are some of the ideas I had), an amputee (missing arm) who can paint and sculpt really good or a transgender girl with depression and anxiety. There are also no limits to how many characters you send in.

Equally so, I do have some restrictions on what to send in. I've kept these as brief as I can as to not limit your creativity.

• Absolutely, under no circumstances will I even consider a Mary/Gary sue. Every character has weaknesses, flaws, insecurities and strong points. Don't neglect them. They make your character more relatable and a whole bunch more understood.
• Characters must be teenagers. One of them will be a love interest to one of these many characters and I ain't having a teenager date an adult.
• Personality, opinions and preferences must be justified/justifiable. Don't have a character who perhaps self harms be super happy. It doesn't work like that.

If you have any questions or want me to extend the deadline, contact me on any of social medias listed on my profile.

Y'all have until 17th of April to submit your characters.

Please do bear in mind that if I don't choose you then it's not that there is anything wrong your idea, it's just that I found a character that fits with my ideas better.

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