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I woke up to the same sick feeling of nausea, head ache, and sore throat. Mom will think it's birthday jitters I hope they are at least. I look over at my phone and I still have ten minutes before my alarm goes off.

* Hey you awake?*
*Depends what's up?*
*Do you mind stopping at the store by your house to get me some tomato juice?*
*Do you have a sore throat again? I keep telling you to tell your mom to take you to the doctor*
*Me telling her to take me is like me telling you to stop "borrowing" my jackets*
*Touché...I'll be at your house in 30*
*Thank you love you!*
*Love you too *

Davina Joselyn Mikaelson! You better not still be in bed time doesn't stop for you!
No mom! I'm awake!

Ugh time to get up but on the plus side today is the first day of senior year! I got dressed and headed downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen.


        Morning are you alright you look a little pale?      I'm ok mom don't worry

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Morning are you alright you look a little pale?
I'm ok mom don't worry.
Alright I made you oatmeal for breakfast as for your father you know the rules.

Ah yes the rules don't bug him whatsoever if his office door is closed. My moms a lawyer so she's gone most of the time but she always sees me off to school and makes it home at some point to make me dinner. As for my dad he's a lawyer too but because they don't want me to be here alone he stays home. So for the most part I'm alone which is fine because on the plus side I'm a straight A+ student.

*Unknown POV*

        Ezra please come in and shut the door.

     Will we be starting or do we wait?         We will wait for your father until then I know you father told you about this mission but I wanted to go over a few things with you

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     Will we be starting or do we wait?
        We will wait for your father until then I know you father told you about this mission but I wanted to go over a few things with you.
     With all do respect I've done many recovery missions this will be no different.
This is different this person has no idea what they are and the last thing we need is for them to explode.
You want me to find them but not tell them anything!?
For the time being yes. We have no idea who their parents are much less how they got to the human world.
Damon...I was going over a few things with your son.
I see sorry to be so late.
Like I was saying we don't know how she ended up in the human world but we've been getting small magic indicators.
How is that possible if their not 16 yet?
I don't know which is why we're sending you today as soon as you find them report back here.
No offense but my face doesn't scream I'm a human being.
I will get you a glammer until then get ready.
     Of course headmaster*leaves*.
           Any news?
        No which is why I'm so worried if she's not 16 how is she using magic who are her parents...

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