Past 4

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I followed him outside to the garden with Ezra following behind us.

        You ready?
     I think so.

     I took off my necklace handing it to was still a weird feeling the energy flowing through me.

Ok for now we'll start off simple I want you to grow a flower.
A flower?
It shouldn't be hard you have inspiration all around you.

Is he joking!? What in the actual fuck...

* Josie's POV *

     First hour ended and I see Lizzie walking down the hall there's no way I'm letting her get away. I caught up to her pushing her in an empty classroom.

What the hell is wrong with you!?
Me!? Your the one who pushed me in here!
        What Josie!?
     Why did you have to act like that!?
I don't know Josie maybe because she's a forbidden hybrid!
I knew we shouldn't have told you anything...
Oh please you would have anyway.
I thought... you of all people would understand. She's alone here she has no one here not even her parents.
Don't do that! Don't play the sympathy card on me!
Lizzie our parents hate us because we're not like them I can hardly do magic because I have to absorb it constantly. You fight for our parents approval and for what!? They hate us Lizzie every time you do magic you lose control.
Back off Jo...
Or what are you gonna hurt me!? Your own sister?
I said back off!

I watched her lose control while I made a shield protecting myself.

We will never be good enough for them! The faster you get that through your thick skull the better!
It has nothing to do with them you don't get it!
Then tell me! I'm your twin Lizzie let me help you!

She fell to her knees taking a deep breath finally she burnt herself out.

Mom and dad they talked to me a few months ago...
I'm the oldest I have to lead by example...their wanting me to get married...
Hahaha that's funny lizzie really funny.
I wasn't joking their already looking for someone for me and for you they said they would talk to you about it.
Why didn't you tell me!?
How do you tell someone that!?
I'm not letting this happen ok we can figure this out!
Yeah if the king magically makes us ladies...
I was joking...?
I wasn't I'm not letting this happen and I think I know who can help us...

* Davina's POV*

I focused my energy and mind on my hand forcing myself to do something anything. I looked at the flowers on the ground visualizing it focusing.

           That's interesting but it's progress

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That's interesting but it's progress. So I'm going to try something different so I'm going to make a water bubble and I want you to pop it using magic.
Ok that should be easy enough...
But you have a time frame.
Time frame?

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