A Friend 2

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Dearest Davina,

I hope this letter finds its way to you. You don't know me but I know you, I never got the opportunity to meet you and I still haven't. But ever since I've known about your existence I've been fighting tooth and nail to meet you. But for now I'll settle for this, I wrote you this letter to warn you. I know you have a lot of questions I figured I can answer a few of them your father is Joseph Alexander Mikaelson whether you see it or not or don't want it to be true. Deep down he knows too but I think he's just as scared as you are. As for your mother I can't not say but I will say this you are the first of your kind.

First of my kind...?

You are a hybrid of 3 different species and not in a good way you are made up of two species that should have never been together. You are part witch, wolf, and vampire. They will eventually explain to you what that means. So for now stay safe and don't tell anyone what I told you not unless you trust them with all of your being. When the time is right I will make myself known to you until then letters will do.

- A Friend

I'm a hybrid of three different things? A witch, wolf, and a vampire...? I looked in my mirror and I couldn't see it I look like a normal girl... That's when I hear light tapping on my door.

        Hey you awake...?
     Josie? Um yeah.

     I got up opening the door letting her in.

        I made you some tea can I come in?
Um yeah ok.

Hades looked at me grabbing the letter off my bed and putting it in his. Smart dog.

Thanks for the tea.
It's camomile I was hoping we could talk.
Of course have a seat.

She handed me a cup of tea and I took a sip...wow that's really good. I set it down on my nightstand looking at the flowers it had.

        Look I just wanted to say how sorry I am for my sister

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Look I just wanted to say how sorry I am for my sister. She's a bit of a bitch but once you get to know her she can be a little less than a bitch.
That's comforting thank you.
Are you ok?
What do you mean?
When we first got here you broke the kitchen, you've hardly said anything to us, and at Quincy's Tavern you kind of shut down.

I look at hades and he jumps on the bed cuddle up to Josie I guess he trusts her.

I'm gonna tell you something that's crazy but I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone not even Lizzie at least until I do.
Yeah sure.
I'm not exactly from here.
I'm sorry?
I'm not from here not even this world I don't even know where I am or what this place is called...
Oh my god your human...
But I'm not though I was born here or over there I don't know and I just found out my parents aren't my parents and now I'm here and I don't know anyone here and I'm all alone!

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