Family History 5

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Talking to him almost felt normal even though it really wasn't...

Why did she give me away?
I'm not really one to answer that...I don't want...
You don't want me to blow up again?
Does she know about me being here?
She does I spoke to her last night...

The sound of his voice was sour but was so sad saying that...and it got me thinking. Now it made sense...the dream I had keep having she...she didn't want me... I took a deep breath it all made sense now....

She didn't want me did she?
You don't have to sugarcoat it...

I sat down on a near by bench and heard him taking a deep breath sitting down next to me.

Davina I can't speak for her but you are loved you have your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and a brother....
I know Ezra tried to fill me in...
You have an older brother he's about two years older than you his name Grayson Alexander Mikaelson he's a half breed wolf and witch.
     Does he want to meet me...?
        For now he's at his grandparents he'll be back in a few days and I'll let you know for now are you willing to meet family from your mothers side?
     They want to meet me...?
        I called them yesterday they are making their way here are you up for it? I don't want to push if your not ready.
     No it's fine it's ok. What about the rest of your family?
        You met all of my siblings just not their significant other. Your brother will be here in a few days and so will my mother.
     What about your dad?
He died before you were even born my mother had a fling with the king my father. My siblings are half siblings on my mothers side.
I see so you guys don't get along?
I'm not his son he's made that very clear.

I couldn't help but feel bad I'm assuming the king wasn't father of the year from what I've seen in movies.

So are you willing?
Sure why not might as well am I in trouble?
Oh you mean what happened to Cyrus? No your not in trouble lucky for you Cyrus is a pure vampire he heals fairly quickly I'm surprised Ezra didn't tell you about him.
Why would he?
Cyrus is Ezra's older brother by I believe 3 years.

This son of a bitch he lied to me?! I am so over this place! I'm gonna punch him is his pretty face! Oh god did I really just say that...UGH!

     I see...
        He didn't tell you did he?

     Before I could say anything I see a well dressed man make his way towards us who is he?

     Before I could say anything I see a well dressed man make his way towards us who is he?

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           Your majesty.
Vincent Salvatore always a pleasure.
           Please the pleasure is all mine.
        This is Davina Joselyn Mikealson...

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