Coffee Shop

66 2 32

Ship: Losleep
Type: Fluff
Au: Coffee Shop AU

Logan Berry worked at a local coffee shop. It was a safe space for LGBTQ+ people. There were baby blue bean bags in one corner, baby pink bean bags in another corner, baby purple bean bags in another corner.

Little bookshelves lined the walls, fairy lights hung down from the ceiling, making a soft glow around the whole coffee shop, and mini pride flags were hung on the walls. Logan loved working there.

However, there was always this one person who came in. Logan and him were on first name basis by now. His name was Remy.

He came in every day around 12:30 to 1 PM. Remy always wore the same thing: A leather jacket, ripped jeans, black Converse, sunglasses, and a white shirt. Logan doubted he ever cleaned that jacket.

He also always ordered the same two items: Decafe, soy latte with an extra shot and cream, or a triple, venti, half sweet, non-fat, caramel macchiato

Logan despised making Remy's drinks, but he got tipped a lot for it. Around 10 extra dollars he usually got tipped for making Remy's drink. Of course, Logan never took the tips as the café was a family owned business.

So, Logan always gave the tips to the family who owned the café. The family was always very greatful for it.
That leads us to now, Logan is busy making Remy's drink. This time he had ordered a triple, venti, half sweet, non-fat, caramel macchiato, and with 3 shots of espresso.

Logan finally finished Remy's drink after 5 minutes. "Here you go, Remy. Please, never order that drink again." Logan pleaded.

Remy chuckled, "Sorry about that, babes." Logan rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just go sit on one of the bean bags."

The coffee shop had recently gotten three giant bear stuffed animals and had put them near the bean bags. Remy rolled his eyes playfully and sat on the purple beanbags.

Logan began to make the next customers coffee. After a few moments, Remy came back up to the counter with a slip of paper.

"Need something?" Logan asked him. Remy nodded, "Yeah, take this piece of paper and keep it."

Logan took the slip of paper from Remy's hand and put it in his back pocket. He forgot about it until Remy left.

Remy hoped that Logan would remember the slip of paper.

~After work~

Logan's shift had finally ended. He walked back to his house, opened he door, closed the door, and sat in his couch.

Then, he remembered about the slip of paper Remy had given him earlier that day.

Logan took it out of his back pocket and read it. It had Remy's number in it. "That smooth bitch." Logan chuckled quietly to himself.

He grabbed his phone off of the coffee table, turned it on, put in the number Remy had given him, and called Remy. Logan hoped that Remy wasn't busy.

Remy answered the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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