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Triggers: Kidnapping,mentions of whips,chains,gags,toxic relationships, Unsympathetic! Logan,mentions of starving,character death,no happy ending-
Type: Angst
Ship: Toxic Lociet,Desleep (this is a comfort ship for me)


Cold,that's all Janus knew. Other than the fact it was damp and he was bleeding.

He tried to remember what had happened. Janus thought for a moment,then it all came back like a wrecking ball.


"L-Logan?" Janus asked him. He felt something cold around his ankle. Janus heard a clicking noise.

"What are you doing?" He asked him. "Putting a chain on you." Logan said simply. "But...why?" Janus asked.

Logan looked at him from behind his glasses, "Punishment." He said. The logical trait went over to a closet and pulled out a whip.

"You will count. Got it? If you miss a number,I start over. If you stop counting,I will start over." Logan said.

Janus nodded and started to shake in fear. Logan then put a gag in his mouth to muffle his screams.

| Skipping this bit |

After Logan was done he took out the gag and put them both away. He then went back upstairs to the light side commons area.

--End of flashback--

Janus sighed. He knew he was never going to get out of here...not without scars or some kind of trauma. Janus may not even make it out alive. (Hehe-)

The door then opened. The light then flicked on,temporarily blinding him. Janus backed away as far as he could,which wasn't very far considering he was weak and hadn't eaten in a while.

"Janus?" He heard the familiar voice of his crush,Remy. "R-Remy?" He muttered. Janus hadn't drank anything either.

Remy walked quietly over to him. He could tell when people were going to die...and Janus was one of them.

"Hey...I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner..." He mumbled and began to cry. Janus reached a hand up and whipped his tears.

"I'm going to die,huh?" Janus asked softly. Remy nodded, "Yeah...I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner.." He whispered.

"There's nothing you could have done." He said in a raspy voice. Janus hugged Remy gently.

Remy hugged him back. None of them said anything until Janus took his last breath. "I'll miss you all...I love you..." He said and went limp.

"...I love you too..."


Oh this was so angsty to write TvT. To all you Janus stans....I'm sorry. Don't kill me-

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