Prom Queen

92 1 17

Request by: queer_as_can_be

Ship: Platonic Royality
Triggers: Starving yourself,cutting,crying,mild panic attack
Au: Highschool

"Shut up."

Roman was trying to be involved,he really was. But..whenever he spoke he only got shut down.

Whenever he ate he got told to "count your calories."

'I never looked good in mom jeans.'  Roman thought to himself.

~The next day~

"Wish I looked like you."  Roman said to a blue eyed blondie that he was friends with.

"Oh. Thank you I guess." His friend said,running their hands through thier bleach blonde hair. (Made Roman's friend nonbinary).

'Perfect body.'  Roman thought to himself as he admired his friend.

"Maybe I should try harder.." Roman muttered to himself as he buried himself under a pile of blankets,the hum of his fan in the background.

He decided to text his friend,Patton,a sweet kid who was the dad of the friend group,about what he was thinking.

"You should lower you expectations." Patton replied to Roman.

"I'm no quick-curl barbie." Roman texted back to Patton.

"Glad you feel better,Ro!" Patton responded to Roman. Roman didn't respond back and powered off his phone,plugging it in,and closing his eyes.

~Another time skip!~

"Oh look! The prom is going on! You should try to be prom queen or king." Patton said to Roman.

"I was never cut out for  prom queen." Roman shrugged.

"Of course you are,kiddo! Everyone thinks so." Patton replied.

Roman nodded. 'Of course they do..' He thought.

Just then,Roman's crush,Logan,walked by.

"If I get more pretty,do you think he'll like me?"  Roman asked Patton.

Patton shook his head, "You don't need to get prettier just for your crush to like you."

Roman nodded, "'re right.."

~After school~

"Hey Ro! How insecure are you?" A bully of Roman's came up to him in the park.

"Dissect my insecurities." He said to his bully.

The bully raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. Said bully only started to tease Roman more.

'I'm the defect,surgical project.' Roman thought sadly.

~At home~

"It's getting hard to breath.." Roman texted Patton.

"Hey kiddo,breath in for 4,hold for 7,out for 8,and repeat." Patton replied.

Roman did as Patton told him to do.

'This plastic wrap in my cheeks.' Roman thought.

~A week later. They are hanging out at Patton's house ~

"I should try harder." Roman said suddenly.

"You shoulder lower your beauty standards." Patton said to Roman. 

Roman nodded, "I'm no quick-curl barbie." He said,although he didn't even believe his own words. Roman had just said it to reassure Patton.

~A day later~

"Look kiddo! The prom is only a month away." Patton said,pointing to a poster that showed prom on it. "You HAVE to try to become prom queen or king!" Patton said.

"I was never cut out for prom queen." Roman said to Patton, "But if it makes you happy,I'll run for prom king or queen, alright?"

"Yay!" Patton hugged Roman.

~An hour later~

Roman had skipped class and ran into Logan. He had been looking for him all day.

"I'm terribly sorry,Roman..hey,are you alright?" Logan asked him.

Roman sighed, "If I'm pretty,will you like me?"

Logan was a bit taken aback. "Um..sorry to do this to you,but I happen to have romantic feelings for a different person."

Roman nodded, "Oh..alright then.." He mumbled quietly and walked away.

"They say beauty makes boys happy." Roman mumbled to himself as he walked out of school.

~A week later~

'I've been starving myself,carving into my skin until my bones are showing.' Roman thought to himself.

"Teach me how to be okay." He texted Patton as soon as he got home from school.

"What?" Patton responded.

"I don't want to downplay my emotions." Roman texted back.

"Kiddo..? Are you okay? Do you need to talk?" Patton responded.

"Just..teach me how to be okay,please.." He replied.

Patton didn't respond for a moment before replying with, "Ro...?"

"They say beauty is pain,you'll only be happy if you look a certain way." Roman replied.

Patton didn't respond.

"I wanna be okay.." Roman replied.

"Roman..?" Patton responded,clearly very worried. Even through text Roman could tell.

"I wanna be okay.." Roman replied one last time to Patton before going silent.

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