The Voicemails

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Triggers: Being held at gunpoint,character death,unsympathetic side (who I shall not name 😉)
Ship: None


Remus was calling everyone,not really expecting an answer...which is exactly what he got. 'No answers.' He thought to himself.

He looked around the room before looking back at his phone. Remus clicked on the first contact...Roman. His dear brother.

Remus listened as the phone rang,no answer again. It went straight (ha-) to voicemail. "Hey! This is Prince Roman,please leave a message after the beep!" His voice sounded so cheerful and happy...unlike Remus' voice. It beeped and Remus started to talk.

"Hey's me..Remus." His voice sounded so broken, had no sound. "I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now,but I just wanted to tell you I love you..I never hated you. ...bye.." He whispered and clicked,sending the voicemail to him.

Next was Janus,again,no answer. "It's /not/ Deceit and please /dont/ leave a message after the beep." Remus chuckled quietly as it beeped again.

"Hey's me,Remus. I don't blame you for leaving me...I can be a handful sometimes. But um..." He paused to collect his thoughts then started to speak again, "I just wanted to let you know I love you...I'm going miss you...bye!" He said softly.

Then,Remus clicked on Virgil. "It's Anxiety,leave a message after the beep." His was simple and to the point. It beeped again and Remus started to talk.

"Hey Virge! I know it's been a while...I don't blame you for leaving me.. Just....promise me one thing...take care of Roman,Janus,and Thomas for me..okay?" He said quietly,on the Virge (hehe-) of tears.

Then he clicked on Logan's contact, "It's Logan,leave a message." Remus started to talk again after the beep.

"Hey Logan! It's Remus,you're probably wondering why I'm voice mailing everyone,it's cause I won't be here any longer...just take care if everyone for me,okay?"

He then clicked on Emile's contact, "Hey,it's Remus! I just wanted to say,keep being the awesome therapist that everyone loves. Take care of everyone for me." He whispered.

Last but not least was Remy...the only remaining darkside...the one who raised him,Janus,and Virgil. "Hey! It's Remy,I'm at Starbucks and probably won't answer for a while,talk after the beep."

"Hey Rem,it's Remus...I just wanted to say I love you so,so much...continue to take care of Janus and Virge for me,alright? Even of they left,take care of them for me. Thank you..." He said and clicked. He choked back a sob.

Remus looked up, "Are you happy now?" He asked a mysterious voice. He had been forced to do this by someone.

The figure nodded, ",are you ready?" He asked him. Remus gave a slight nod, "May I ask a question? Why are you doing this..?" He said quietly.

"It's for Thomas' sake." The figure said and cocked the gun,pointing it at Remus' head. Remus braced himself.

Only a gunshot was heard. Then...silence,Remus no longer existed.

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