Family Meeting

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   "The world ends in three days." Luther told the family.

   "Three days?" Allison asked in disbelief as she handed Diego and Eleanor a cup of coffee.

   "That's what Five said." Eleanor shrugged.

   "The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon." Klaus remembered from beside Eleanor.

   "But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little..." Allison began as she twirled a finger around her head.

"Our little psycho." Klaus added with a smile.

"Five isn't crazy...well not about this at least." Eleanor argued, getting slightly defensive.

"He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him." Luther reasoned.

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asked and Eleanor nodded, happy to not have to keep a secret from her family any longer.

"What did Five even see?" Allison asked curiously and Luther paused for a moment, trying to find the right words.

"Uh...apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." Luther said vaguely, in an attempt to dodge the question.

"Okay, so here's the plan. Uh, we go through dad's research..."

"Wait, what?" Allison asked.

"Hold on, hold on. Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick." Klaus stopped Luther.

"What actually happened the first time around?" Klaus asked feeling as if he's missed a step.

"Yeah. What are you not telling us? Come on, big boy, spit it out." Diego said.

The siblings all looked to Luther for an answer as he glanced to Eleanor, hoping that she'd say it for him. But, she merely averted her gaze, not wanting to be the one to tell them.

"We died." Luther whispered, but not loud enough for any of his siblings to hear.

"What was that?" Allison asked and Eleanor sighed, knowing that she'd have to tell them herself.

"We all died."

The family was rendered speechless as they tried to grasp the sudden information, until Luther spoke up again.

"Well all of us, except Ellie."

"How is that even possible?" Allison wondered.

Diego and Klaus were unsure how to feel about the news. They were happy that Eleanor seemingly survived, but knew the toll that losing her family would have on the girl.

   "What? Five didn't tell me that." Eleanor said with wide eyes.

   "Well he probably didn't want to worry you." Luther reasoned and she nodded her head, reminding herself to talk to Five later.

"Is it just us?" Diego asked as he moved to sit beside Eleanor.

"It's everybody." Luther said.

"In the house?"

"The whole planet?"

"No, outside the house. Everyone died." Luther explained as he continued to tell them everything that Five said.

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