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"Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody."

   "He made me an accomplice."

   "You knew this whole time that I had powers?"

   "It's not her fault, Vanya."

   "You ruined my life!"

   "I heard a rumor..."

   Eleanor shot up in bed, awakening from her terrifying nightmare.

   "Hey, you're okay, you're okay." Diego said from her bedside as he and Klaus looked over her worriedly.

   Eleanor struggled to breathe and she searched desperately for her inhaler.

   Catching on, Klaus quickly found it and Eleanor was able to relax after taking in a few puffs.

   "Better?" Diego asked and Eleanor nodded her head, just now realizing the headache she had.

   "Where's..." Eleanor began worriedly, as Klaus interrupted her, knowing what she was going to ask.

   "Allison's okay. She's sleeping in her room." Klaus told her and Eleanor let out a sigh of relief.

   "How're you feeling? And don't lie. Five told us how much pain you were in the other day." Diego told her.

   "I've been better. My head is pounding and I get a sharp pain in my side every time I move, but other than that, I'm just peachy." Eleanor admitted.

   "What even happened?" Klaus asked and Eleanor looked down, wanting to protect Vanya.

   "We already know that Vanya has powers and she hurt you guys. Allison told Luther." Diego explained and Eleanor felt slightly relieved that she didn't have to keep it a secret.

   "Vanya's's nothing like I've ever seen before. I was no match for her and I doubt any of us are. She was hurt..." Eleanor began, feeling guilty for pushing her sister away.

   "Hey, it's okay, El. You can tell us." Klaus comforted as he held her hand.

   "After she...she hurt Allison, I was just so afraid that she couldn't control herself. I wasn't thinking straight and I told her to leave. I let her go with that maniac."

   "That's not your fault. We all would have done the same thing. Don't beat yourself up about it." Diego said when Luther suddenly burst into the room.

   "Oh Ellie, good, you're awake. I need to show you guys the basement." Luther said urgently, striking their curiosity.

   Klaus and Diego helped Eleanor to her feet as she limped to the doorway at a snail's pace.

   "This is taking too long." Luther said impatiently as he unexpectedly lifted Eleanor, causing an immense pain in her side.

   "Be careful!" Klaus and Diego yelled protectively.

   "Ouch, Luther, put me down!" She protested, but to deaf ears.

   They hastily made it downstairs to find Vanya locked up in what appeared to be some type of power dampening cell.

   "What is this? What is she doing in there?!?" Eleanor asked as Luther put her down.

   "You locked up our sister because she has powers." Diego said in disbelief as they watched a terrified Vanya bang against the glass repeatedly.

   "Pogo's always known. So did Dad." Luther revealed as Eleanor went up to the glass.

   "Why would they hid this from us? I mean, am I the only one that didn't know this place existed?" Diego asked with wide eyes.

The Umbrella Academy ~ Number 8 Where stories live. Discover now