Chapter 12

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"Happy Birthday Harry!"

Kylar's POV
I woke up next to....Zayn? Oh, right. I was crying and he comforted me. Must've fallen asleep..

"Mornin'" I said as I got up.

"Grahfimdidop" was his reply. Also, no, he doesn't speak fangirl.

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and locked the door. I turned on the hot water and waited for the tub to fill. I scrolled through Twitter and saw a bunch of "Happy Birthday Harry!"s. I exited Twitter and went on Google.

Zayn's Birthday is January 12
Harry's Birthday is February 1
Liam's Birthday is August 29
Nialler's Birthday is September 13
Louis's Birthday is December 24 those are their birthdays.. Maybe I sho--OUCH! I looked at the tub and saw that some of the hot water was leaking. I turned it off and stripped off my clothes.

"NIALL! DON'T EAT THE CAKE YET!" I heard Liam yell from downstairs.

"LOUIS!! THOSE ARE FOR HARRY!!" Liam yelled again.

Yep, these boys are a handful..

--1 hour later--
"Lewissssss, why do I have to wear THIS?" I pointed to my outfit that Louis gave me. I was wearing a dark blue shirt with white polka-dots, some jeans and black sneakers. My hair was curled a bit and I don't know why Louis was so good at this.

"That shirt matches what my Hazza bear is going to be wearing." Louis replied.

"I just want to clarify, mkay? DID YOU JUST SAY 'my Hazza bear'?!" I asked, wide-eyed.

He quickly shook his head.


"Oh, shaddap!" He said, slapping my arm playfully.

"I'm so tweeting that." I teased him again.

"If you tweet that you're kissing Harry later." Louis threatened.

Oh shit. I already did.

"Um, I already tweeted it?" I said.

"YOU'RE KISSING HARRY!" He declared.

"You can't tell me what to do, Louis." I challenged.

"Do you want me to tell Nialler you enjoyed the kiss?" He fired back, raising an eyebrow.

"You made me kiss him for blackmail, am I correct?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied simply.


"Ugh, fine! You win." I said, defeated.

"I always win, love." He boasted.

"Is Harry ready yet?" I asked.

"HAZZA!!" He called.

"In a minute!" Harry said from his room.

"He takes sooo long to get ready." I commented.

"I HEARD THAT AND I'M DONE!" Harry shouted. Harry came to the living room and asked, "What are you wearing, Kylar?"

"Clothes." I replied simply.

"That's my sister!" Louis said.

"Cousin." I correct him.

"Woops, yeah." He said.

"Why is she wearing what I'm wearing?" Harry asked Louis.

"It looks better on her." Louis replied. Harry gave him a fake hurt expression and I laughed.

Stuck With Them? - A 1D Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now