Chapter 3

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"A Change Of Plans"

Kylar's POV
£100 is worth not tweeting about the plan.

"Can I at least make one last tweet? Pleaseeeee?" I said using my puppy dog eyes. I somehow have changed my mood. Nevermind.

"Fine" Liam said

Might be gone for a while. I was chosen by the ninja federation to go on a secret mission.
Sayanara, bishes!!

The guys laughed at my tweet. I know, I'm awesome.

"So, will you cooperate?" Harry asked

"Only if Louis gives me my £100 NOW" I say giving Louis a serious look. He sighed and gave me £100


"Okay so--" Before Liam could finish his sentence, Ellen came bursting in their room.

"Change of plans! We're making her date one of you. Zayn and Louis are an exception. They're taken" Ellen said.

"Liam, I'm sorry about your break-up. Anyways, MAKE HER DATE ONE OF YOU!" Ellen yelled before she slammed the door close.

"That was a very interesting change of plans" I said, the three nodded.

"Anyhow, I still hate you. Except Louis, he just made me rich" I say as Louis smiles.

"So, who will you date?" Louis asked

"Probably... The Bed" They all laughed with me

"But seriously, who?" Zayn asked, I rolled my eyes.

"I dunno. I JUST MET YOU!" They all nodded

"Give her some time. She just met us" Niall said as the boys nodded

"Now if you will excuse me, I will read manga." I went on a website that I won't ever tell anyone about and clicked on my faves.

"You read.. hentai?" Harry asked. I practically fell out of bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" I said, clutching my heart. I forgot they never left..

"You read hentai?" They all asked in unison

"Mind your own business and ye-- ermm... no!" I almost said yes..

"Yeah you are. That's a dick right over there!" Harry pointed. Ugh..

"OKAY BUT DO NOT TELL ANYBODY ELSE!" I yelled at them then went back to reading as they left.

After that, I began reading anime books online.

"HOLY SHIT YES!" I screamed and they all came bolting back in.

"What happened?!" They asked

"Um, Lucy kissed Natsu?" It came out more than a question than an answer..

"Who the heck is Lucy and Natsu?" They asked in unison


"Woah, calm down. We'll read up on that" I nodded at Liam.

"Okay, bye!" I pointed at the door.

"Hey Kylar" Niall asked as the other boys left


"Will you go out with me?"

CLIFFHANGER! Anyway, I just found out 1D will be performing here where I live on March 21! HOLY SHIT I'M SO HAPPY. I dunno if we will buy tickets but let's just hope we will! NIALLER I LOVE YOU OMGGG. Anyways, hope you like my chappie! Is it bad? Hope it isn't!
Vote, Comment and Follow Me~~! sostylishstyles , please make any improvements if I have something wrong/incorrect!
Baii mah Wittle Oreos!
-Jennie xx

Stuck With Them? - A 1D Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now