Chapter 17

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"Ruining Niall's Innocence"

Kylar's POV
It's Valentine's Day! Yay! *note the sarcasm*. Yesterday was a really lucky day for me and Nialler, actually. 4/5 of boys were VERY unlucky yesterday, though.

Zayn's hair got messed up a lot.

Louis kept tripping even though he was just standing.

Liam kept walking into Harry naked.

Harry kept getting mobbed by fans -- even in the loo.

Maybe they were unlucky because they kept going outside. I just stayed indoors, watching Tyler Oakley giving Valentine's Day advice. Oh, me and Harry are friends again but it is still awkward between us.

"Happy Valentine's Day!!" Louis yelled.

"Yeah, whatever, I don't give a shit what today is. It's just like any other day -- normal." I said.

"That is because you are single!" Louis yelled again.

"First, stop yelling. Second, I don't really care if I'm single." I told Louis.

"What's so wrong about being single?" Zayn asked.

"That is what every single person asks." Liam commented.

"Yeah, being single has it's perks." Niall added.

"Hey, Nialler, come to mah room." Niall followed me and Louis wiggled his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes.

"So, whatcha wanna do?" Niall asked as I closed the door to my hotel room.

"LOUIS, HARRY!" I yelled and they were suddenly outside my door. I opened it and let them in then closed it again.

"What are you guys doing?" Niall asked.

"We're gonna ruin your innocence." Harry said as if it was no big deal -- and it isn't.

"How?" Niall asked, fear in his eyes.

"First things first, TUMBLR." I used a scary voice when I said "TUMBLR".

"That is where you lose ALL your innocence." Louis explained.


Niall was now rocking back and forth in the corner.

"I think we scarred him for life..." I said.

"Don't worry! He'll get over it, maybe..." Louis reassured.

"We went a little too far by going on Omegle though.." I said.

"Yeah, we did.." Louis said with a nod.

"Hey-- why is Niall rocking back and forth in the corner?" Liam asked when he and Zayn barged into my hotel room.

"We ruined his innocence." Louis, Harry and I said in unison.


"Woah, calm down, mate." Zayn patted Niall's back.

"It was Harry's idea to go on Omegle!" Louis shouted, pointing at Harry.


"WAIT, YOU SHOWED HIM PORN?!" Zayn slapped Louis and Harry.

"What did Kylar do?" Liam asked, rubbing his temples.

"Tumblr." I replied.

"Okay..." Liam nodded.

"Hello, boys! To-- what happened?" Simon asked as he walked into my hotel room "And who is this?" He pointed at me.

"I am Louis's cousin." I said "And well, we -- Harry, Lou and I -- kind of scarred Niall for life." I replied.

Stuck With Them? - A 1D Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt