Chapter 11

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This whole fucking chapter deleted 😡 but here it is again and its different. I didnt like the other one anyways.

Chresanto's P.O.V

After everyone finished eating me and Jacob sat in the living room listening to music and chilling on our phone's. I wanted to tell him how i felt about him but i didnt like the sound of rejection ringing through my ears. The song Do It To Ya by YG rang out through the house as it blasted through the speakers.

Jacob: Chres get out yo thoughts and saw hey to snapchat

I laughed and did a stupid pose. He giggled and shook his head ending the video.

Jacob: why couldnt you just say hey or something ?

Me: cause im weird

Jacob: something we can agree on

Me: nigga shut up

He laughed and it got quiet. I hated being quiet in a room with someone. It was always weird so i decided to start a conversation.

Me: soo how did the doctors with Cam go

Jacob: good... The babies fine

Me: is it yours ?

I hesitated to ask the question. I didnt want him to say yes.

Jacob: i dont know and im not gonna know until the baby is born Chres.

Me: oh

Jacob: but if it is imma have to just be there for him or her

Me: but wouldnt you have to throw all your dreams away ?

Jacob: not ALL of them but basically yea and im not ready for a kid and neither is she.

Me: why doesnt she give it up for adoption

Jacob: why does everybody keep saying that shit !? Like no ! MY answer is no ion give a damn who's the father of that baby all that matters is that im caring for it now and him or her aint going no where !

I was shocked at his outburst but i understood. I cared for one of my old friend's baby because her baby daddy belled out on her.

Me: damn im sorry i asked

Jacob: i just feel weird. Like everytime me and Cam are together and talking about the baby it feels weird. I dont know. I still like her duh but i dont love her.

I nodded. I kinda zoned him out after he said "everytime me and Cam are together". I dont want to hear of damn thing about him and her doing anything cause i dont care... Well i do but i just dont wanna hear it. Im already kinda scared to tell him how i feel about him and to know he could possibly have a baby on the way and that he might actually feel for the baby's mother alot is just not gone work with me.

Jacob: Chres are you listening ?

Me: Jacob can we stop talking about Cam ?

Jacob: why ? You dont like her ?

Me: well duh. For god sakes she doesnt know who her baby daddy is !?

Jacob: neither does your ex Desiree but im not complaining am i ?!

Me: thats different and you know it

Jacob: no its not. You shoved your dick in her didnt use protection like an idiot and she got pregnant ! even though the baby isnt yours you still took care of him !

Me: still different

Jacob: how ?! Fucking how ?!

Me: i actually LOVED desiree you dont love Cam ! You love who ever this fucking guy is you were talking about in your stupid ass book !

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