Chapter 39

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Chresanto's P.O.V

I woke up to the rays of the sun beaming me in eyes. I groaned and sat up seeing Jacob staring at me. I laughed as he made a funny face. I laid back down wanting to go back to sleep.

Jacob: GET UP !

Me: no

Jacob: YES !

Me: why Jacob just why

Jacob: i wanna spend some time with my brotherrr

I sighed and hopped up out of bed stretching and yawing.

Jacob: Jesus christ

He said covering his eyes. I laughed and walked in the bathroom grabbing a towel. I turned on the shower and waited util it got really hot to get in. After a 45 minute shower i stepped out and brushed my teeth and washed my face. After i was done with my hygiene and what no i walked out seeing Jacob fully dress. He looked nice.

Jacob: chres we should go to the........

His voice faded as i walked to the closet

Me: the what ?

I said as i looked in my closet for something to wear.

Jacob: the ummm...... Cookout that Rayan is having.

Me: i dont know about that

Jacob: why ?

Me: Ray looks at you funny and ion like that shit

Jacob: awwwwe wittle Chres woried about wittle Jacob

Me: damn right but im serious i dont know

I said grabbing some boxers.

Jacob: yea but um im gonna let you get dress

Me: or you can watch

I smirked grabbing a hold of my dick.

Jacob: nah id rather.... Nvm but imma let you get dressed

He laughed and walked out closing the door behind him. I laughed and dropped my towel putting on my boxers then my clothes. I dragged myself downstairs seeing Jacob already dressed jumping around.

Me: calm down ! Why you so happy ?

Jacob: hmmm i dont know

Jacob cheesed. I laughed and sat him down.

Me: for real what happened ?

Jacob: umm nothing

He said smiling nervously and standing back up. I sat him back down and sat next to him.

Me: im serious whats up

Jacob: vsstinnvvrsdg

I heard him mumble but i could understand

Me: what ?!

Jacob: trsvkiggvcghurr

Me: WHAT ?!

Jacob: Trey asked me out !

My whole stomach turned. Im totally confused.

Me: so-

Jacob: before you say anything ! I know me and you have our little relationship and we can keep that.. Just not around Trey

I nodded and smiled even though i was hurting In the inside. Lord why did he have to be my brother

Me: deal andddd Nique's coming over later today

Jacob: for ?

Me: to hang out. She not bringing that dirty fuck faced big headed sexually transmitted infection here with her either.

He laughed slightly and it got silent. It was awkward.

Me: so what you wanna do today.

Jacob: welll.....

He started off then walking away.

Me: well what ?!

I said following behind him

Jacob: Trey kinda wants to pick me up... Like.. Now

Me: now ?! Damn he JUST asked you out

Jacob: i know

Me: you know its suppose to be just me and you today right ?

Jacob: i know i know im sorry i forgot when i told him yes.

Me: well damn forget all about Chres when your talking to Trey huh ?

Jacob: Chres its not like that and you know that

Me: it is Jacob.

Jacob: not

Me: is

Jacob: is

Me: not

He smirked and i rolled my eyes pulling out my phone texting nique. Since my darling brother will be leaving me today

Jacob: who that ?

Me: just Nique telling her she can come now.

Jacob: so.....what are yall gonna do ?

He looked up from twiddling his fingers.

Me: what are you and Trey gonna do ?

Jacob: Touché

I laughed and sat down on the stool at the bar. I honestly didnt want Jacob to go. He was cancelingl on me for another dude and it felt like i was being rejected to prom by someone i really liked lol. I knew Trey went to our school and i also knew he was a player but Jacob would only think im jealous. Of course imma set some ground rules with trey cause he dont wanna fuck with me.

Me: so does trey know im your brother ?

Jacob: i dont think so

Me: oh then this should be fun

I smirked as the door bell rung. Jacob hopped up but i ran infront of him opening the door. He looked shocked to see me. I smirked.

Trey: Chresanto

Me: Trey

Trey: what you doing here

Me: i live here

Trey: you live here ?

Me: oh Jacob didnt tell you ? Im his brother. BLOOD brother

I said putting more bass in my voice when saying blood. He chuckled nervously and i smirked.

Trey: oh um i didnt know that

Me: heres the rules ok. Understand i dont like you, matter of fact i fucking hate you. fuck him over i'll fuck you up. Touch him in any way shape or form i'll fuck you up. Hell even look at him at a way ion like i'll fuck you up. So either way if you do some sketchy shit ion like to my lil brother i'll fuck you up so bad you'll need tubes down your throat to breath my nigga.

I smiled and he nodded viciously. Jacob pushed me out the way and walked outside.

Jacob: hey trey

He said smiling Jacob went for a hug and i gave Trey the side eye and he reached his hand out to shake his hand. I laughed under my breath and covered my mouth.

Jacob: Chres what did you do ?!

Me: NothingLoveyouLilBroBye

I said all at once and shut the door. I can only imagine how distant this nigga finna be for the rest of the day. I laughed and sat on the couch waiting for Nique.


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