Chapter 23

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Wednesday morning

12:24 am

Chresanto's P.O.V

I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for Jacob to get done. Its been 3 hours since i brought him here. There was nothing seriously wrong wit him he just had a cut on the back of his head. If it was any deeper he would have had damaged his head but thank god he was ok and awake. He had to stitched up then he would be able to go home. I looked at my phone as my light flashed. It was Ma. I answered it quickly wondering where she was.

Me: hello

Ma: Chresanto...

She sounded like she had been... Crying.

Me: Ma whats wrong

Ma: im so sorry

Me: what ? Sorry for what

Ma: Jacob....

I heard shuffling in the back and i grew scared. Not for me but for her i didnt know where she was or who had her but i sure as hell was going to find out.

Me: Ma where are you me and Jacob are on our way. We'll come get you an-

Ma: Chresanto stop ! Iv gotten myself involved in something i cant get out of ok... This is possibly the last conversation you'll have with me baby boy.

Tears rushed down my cheeks as i looked down at the ground shaking my head.

Me: no.... No ! Dont say that no its not ! Your gonna come home and tell us everything's ok and hold us and laugh wit us and-

Ma: look Chresanto stay strong for you and your brother ok !

Me: your not going anywhere Ma and im gone always be strong for him

Ma: good to here Chres. At home there's a box... Take it and the money in it ok.

I stood up pacing back and forth with my eye's blood shot read and wet.

Me: Ma whats going on ?! Where are you ?!

Ma: Chres im ok im going to a better place

Me: stop saying that ! Your gonna be ok damn ! I need you t-

Ma: everything will be ok. Dont forget that. Tell Jacob i love him and the song he made it was amazing. Be safe i love you both

Me: ma... MA ! MOM !

I yelled through the phone. I heard shuffling once again. Everyone by now was looking at me but i didnt care. I heard a click noise but didnt know what it was.


Ma: I love you both

I starred into space as the sound of gun shots rang out. Not coming from 1 gun but multiple guns. I sniffed as another tear came down. I dropped the Phone from my ear out of my hand hearing it hit the floor.

Me: i love you to

I whispered. I dropped in my seat putting my face in the palm of my hands sobbing. It doesnt matter how much pain she caused this family she was still the women that birth me ! The women who carried me around for a solid 9 months !!

Nurse: sir are you ok ?

The nurse asked. I didnt pay attention to her. I continued crying in my hands. She putting her hands on my shoulder and i stood upyanking her hand away.

Me: dont touch me !

I wiped my face and went into the bathroom standing over the sink. I looked up at the mirror and wiped my eye's. I look just like her. I smiled at that. I turned on the water throwing some on my face then looking back at the mirror.

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