Part Twenty-Nine

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{'Das Brautkleid' by Carl Herpfer from Wikimedia Commons}

It wasn't lost on Genevieve that being able to stay in Seldoné was a great luxury when she had fully expected to leave after the wedding to join the rest of the Olivays in Alémaire. She had completely prepared to leave the place which she had always considered her home and was even looking forward to it, though being able to stay was also a blessing. Even with the joy of not having to leave, she couldn't shake how Lisette had appeared after the decision was haphazardly announced over dinner. She hadn't even finished what was on her plate, let alone the bread she had been holding when the information was revealed.

For her part, it couldn't be said that she wasn't shocked by the announcement. As soon as the words had been spoken and the discussion was on the table, a sense of emptiness filled her chest and all thought vacated her mind. She felt fearful and she wasn't sure why, why should she be fearful of staying at home with all that she knew? It took all she had to keep from crying and she found herself glancing at Lisette more often than not, only to receive no glances in return and that only served to make her feel worse.

Regardless of their feelings for the decision that Genevieve and Sabien would remain in Seldoné once they were married, they had to carry-on for the coming days until the wedding itself and that included Genevieve's wedding dress fitting.

For the first time in her life, Lisette felt real anxiety over something. Not only was the woman she had come to love preparing to marry her brother, but she was also to be virtually removed from her life. She hadn't even felt this way when she had been informed of her marriage to Wilfred Therouche. She felt completely desolate and her outlook of her future was bleak. She didn't let any of her inner turmoil show as she sat in Genevieve's sitting room at the table that was stocked with tea and pastries while they waited for Mrs. Reuvenaux. She was able to put other things out of her mind and appear in high spirits as usual, even mentioning to them the expected gowns they had ordered from another clothier in Seldoné and describing her adoration of them and how lovely Genevieve looked in hers.

There was a steady knock at the door followed by a clear voice, "Madam? Misses Reuvenaux is here for the fitting."

"Oh!" Sola exclaimed as she set her tea on the table and hurried to the door to see their guest in, "please Suzanna, come in! Come in! Would you like a cup of tea?"

Suzanna bowed her head slightly to Sola, a smile on her face and behind her followed two female assistants, one carrying the dress and the other carrying a case of what were likely tailoring tools, "why thank you Sola, that would be delightful."

Sola smiled brightly and looked at Suzanna's assistants, "girls? Would you like some tea as well?"

One of them accepted with a bright smile while the other graciously declined and Sola set about pouring the two requested cups of tea, questioning on how they would like their drinks to be served and when this was done she chatted for a while with Suzanna while Nadine looked on in silence. Her mother's reaction to how sociable Sola was being with hired help provided a bit of a distraction for Lisette, the woman just couldn't seem to wrap her mind around how kind Sola was, how despite her wealth, she never saw anyone as inferior like so many people in Alémaire did. Lisette turned her gaze to Genevieve and with a sigh considered how much like her aunt she was and feeling her eyes on her, Genevieve looked up from where she was absently staring at the crumpet on her plate to offer Lisette a warm smile which immediately caused the latter to look away.

"Loren, will you help Helena with the gown, please?" Suzanna spoke gently as she and Loren set their tea cups down while Sola offered her hand to Genevieve who started slightly before setting her cup down and rising with the aid of the offered hand. The two ladies moved towards the tri-mirror that had been brought from Genevieve's smaller dressing room just for the occasion of the gown fitting, leaving Nadine and Lisette at the table to watch Genevieve try on the gown that she would be wearing only once.

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