Part Twenty-Five

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{'Broad Street, Bristol' by Louise Rayner from Wikimedia Commons}

Ever was Sola concerned for the health and welfare of her guests and in particular that of Genevieve. While she didn't necessarily approve of the Olivay siblings and her ward frolicking outside in cold weather and snow, with gentle coaxing she often relented and gave her approval while receiving a promise that they would not stay outside long and return shortly in order to warm up by the fire with hot beverages and rich cakes. Just as often as they were able to persuade her, their arguments were lost in her concern and she simply would not agree to their wishes, citing wind chill or the depth of the snow as her reasoning for wishing them to remain inside.

With equal parts leniency regarding their whims and refusal to allow them, there remained plenty of time for falling victim to cabin fever; as it had been when they remained indoors for several days to avoid rain, so too was it tiresome during the winter season for Lisette to be cooped up inside. Inevitably she grew restless and decided to coax Genevieve into an outing for just the two of them since Sabien had gone to their father's shop for the day.

She entered the parlor where Genevieve sat reading on a long cushioned bench that lined the outer wall of the room just beneath the windows that stretched to the ceiling and kept the room well lit when the thick curtains were drawn back. At times Lisette liked to muse on the idea that Genevieve never slept because somehow she was always up before anyone else no matter if she went to sleep when they did, but when she saw her during the quiet morning hours, sitting blissfully with a novel in hand or gazing out of a window with a pleasant expression on her features, Lisette understood why she would make the effort. With her cloak in hand, Lisette flopped down on the bench beside Genevieve and looked at her hopefully, "I've grown quite weary of lounging about the manor and since the snow has melted and the sun is shining, I think it would be a perfect day for shopping and meat buns at The Bend! Wouldn't you say?"

Genevieve paused in her reading and looked to Lisette before looking to the burgundy fabric that was curved over her arm and smiled a little awkwardly, "could we not simply ask Luzen to prepare some meat buns and perhaps –"

"I absolutely know what you're going to say and it simply will not do!" Lisette bounced slightly on the seat, her motion causing Genevieve to rock slightly, "aren't you tired of being stuck inside? Even a little?"

"I don't know..." Genevieve glanced towards the window, it was a nice day, and likely warmer than it had been in the depth of winter even on the most sunny days, but the idea of leaving the nice warm room and her book didn't strike her as particularly inviting.

"Pleeeeeeeeease Genny!?" Lisette pressed on, her lower lip pushed out in a pout as she briskly batted her eyelashes, which caused Genevieve to laugh and close her book after drawing the ribbon between the pages, shaking her head in mild disbelief.

"Alright, alright! You win! Let me fetch my cloak."

Through the windows of the carriage they watched the scenery of Bellepoint go by, first from the widespread fields of the larger properties before continuing on into the more populated areas towards the town centre. While others may not have decided on making the trip to The Bend or even the small market street of the Point itself, many had determined not to waste the fine day by spending it indoors. There were gentlemen strolling with their ladies on their arms, sometimes one or the other holding the leash of a dog in varying sizes and breeds. More often than not they passed a small group of young men sometimes a few yards to the rear of a group of equal size of girls the same age, the boys teasing each other noisily over the girls while the girls whispered and behaved in a coquettish manner as though they didn't care what the boys were doing at all even though they really did. Perhaps Lisette's favorite was when they passed a small park and could see the children playing in the sunshine at their various games while their caretakers looked on and enjoyed the brilliant sunlight as it shown down on the area around them and the soft sound of birds chirping and melting snow dripping off of tree branches gently touched their ears.

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