Part Twenty-Four

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{'Still Life - Tea Set' by Jean-Étienne Liotard from Wikimedia Commons}

Lisette's pace was quick but careful as she made her way through the carefully tended labyrinth of shrubbery that was of a variety that allowed it to still maintain its green even in frosty weather. She could no longer hear Sabien and Genevieve's voices and aside from the soft whistle of the north wind, the only thing she could hear were her footsteps on the snow that lay on the path to the manor. Their footsteps had already packed the snow slightly and each step she made caused the snow to crunch and even squeak beneath her feet. She leaned down and scooped up some of the snow that was as of yet untouched and held it in her hands though she was careful not to compress it. Holding the small pile closely to her face, she attempted to discern one flake from the next but was only able to make out a sparkly blanket of white, which caused her to smile slightly. They were each beautiful and unique in their own way but when together, they blended perfectly.

Casting the snow aside in a cool dust of white, she continued to smile, brushing her hands against one another to rid them of any left over snow. Even though she had implanted the idea that morning, she hadn't exactly expected Genevieve to take the initiative by shoving Sabien face first into the snow. Lisette giggled softly to herself as she continued her brisk pace, delighting in the memory of the face Sabien was making when he finally righted himself and even more so, the memory of Genevieve's expressions and demeanor throughout the whole impromptu snow battle. She had seemed so at ease, as though she had forgotten the things that normally bothered her for the first time in her life. Lisette thought of how the wind blew the slender coils of her golden hair that had fallen loose about her face as she smiled brilliantly while dashing around the garden.

A shiver rushed down Lisette's back and she paused in her steps for a moment as she closed her eyes and rubbed her hands along her upper arms briskly in an attempt to warm herself slightly before she smiled again, a bit hesitantly, and hurried on to the house.

As Lisette had done when she reached the manor, so too did Genevieve and Sabien return to their chambers to change out of their wet clothes before joining Lisette in the parlor where she was warming herself at the brightly burning fire in the hearth. Marisol, the daughter of the Sembroline's cook, Luzen, was setting a tray of tea down beside a tiered tray with biscuits, small breads, and cakes that sat on the table close to the fireplace.

"Hello Miss Sembroline, Mister Olivay," Marisol greeted, nodding to each of them, "Your Mothers are taking their tea in Misses Sembroline's sitting room so they asked that I set tea for you three in here."

Sabien rubbed his hands together in an effort to warm his icy flesh as Marisol set out the teacups, "Thank you Marisol, after our time outside, something warm sounds delightful."

"I am glad to hear that, Mister Olivay. Mum made some chocolate tea cakes just for you!" Marisol gave a little wink to Lisette.

At the wink that Marisol didn't seem to make very much effort to hide, Sabien glared at his sister in a manner that didn't entirely hide that he was a bit amused and more embarrassed than anything else, "Lisette, you didn't?"

Lisette smiled broadly and clasped her hands together, "oh, but I did!" She then laughed melodiously, "how could I not? You nearly finished the whole tray off on your own! I was lucky I managed to get even one!"

"'Tis not my fault you eat like a bird," Sabien moved over to the table and pulled out one of the chairs before he began making gestures to accompany his words, "pecking and picking till there is nothing but a mess of crumbs on your plate."

"Perhaps if you chewed at all, there might have been more left for others," Lisette spoke amidst her amused chuckles as Sabien helped Genevieve into the chair he had just untucked before slumping into his own, "did you even get one, Genny?"

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