Chapter 25: Sleep.

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Bay's P.O.V.
Chapter 25.

Keith Rider is on the side or up! Sexy beast Cx

I sigh as I walk into the school. I run a hand through my hair and rub my eyes, trying to get rid of my tiredness. A hand wraps around my shoulder causing me to jump slightly.

"You okay Bay?" Eden asks me. I nod with a slight smile. We had five weeks left of school, five weeks until I have to decide if I should stay or go. Eden opens the door for me as we enter The Detention Room. We walk in and find Tori and Dean in mid make out section.

"Hey! Enough of the PDA." Eden says as they pull apart.

"Hey you guys." Dean says casually. I roll my eyes and go to sit in the table next to them. I drop my bag on the floor and sigh.

"You okay?" Tori asks me with a sad smile. I nod as the door opens.

"New girl!" Emery yells before rushing to my side and hugging me tightly. I laugh as he lets me go.

"Hey." I mutter as he smiles. He sits next to me as Noah gives me a quick hug. Alexis and Jade walk in soon after, Jade had gotten in detention due to missing to much school. They say their hello's as the take their seats. They start a conversation about card games as I listen in amusement. I lay my head on the desk and watch them in silence. Just then the door opens and in walks Cole.

"Hey." He says casually earning him greetings from everybody else. He drops his backpack on the floor and sits next to me. I sit up as he smiles and pulls me closer. He kisses my temple and squeezes my shoulder.

"You okay babe?" He asks softly. I nod as he raises a brow.

"You're a horrible liar." He states as I laugh lightly.

"I've been told." I mutter as he chuckles.

"You haven't been sleeping have you?"  He asks in a serious tone. I sigh and shake my head causing him to frown.

"Why don't we go back to your place so you could sleep?" He asks me.

"I've already missed a week." I tell him.

"It's detention, what could you possibly miss?" He asks me. He had a point, the only thing we did in this class was sit and talk.

"Alright." I mutter. He stands up and grabs my arm.

"Where you two headed?" Emery asks us.

"I'm taking her home." Cole said simply. I smile at them as I grab my bag.

"Bye." I call out as we exit the room. The five minute drive to the house was quiet. The three youngest Gray brothers were in school, actually studying while Eli and Lilah had flown back to arrange a date change for thier wedding. I felt bad, the reason they changed the date was because of me, apparently so I could have time to mourn. I unlock the door and throw my bag on the couch.

"Come on, you have to sleep." Cole mutters before guiding me up the stairs. I lay in bed with Cole, my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. He pulls me close and kisses my forehead.

"Go to sleep." He orders softly, so I do. I fall asleep to the sound of his heart. The constant rhythm like a personal lullaby.

It seemed to be hours later when a loud crash woke me up. At first I thought it was the guys coming home from school, but a quick glance at the clock told me it was twelve o'clock and the guys still had two hours of school left before they'd be back. My second thought was that Cole had got hungry and was currently making a mess in the kitchen. Though that thought was quickly thrown out the window when a strong arm was tightened around my waist.

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