Chapter 15: Alucard

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With no access to Y/n and the Nazi invasion getting closer, she and Walter had no choice but to leave the command room. Sir Penwood offered himself as sacrifice so they could escape. Over the radio, they heard the exchange between the enemy and himself.

Penwood: When you get to Hell, tell them Penwood sent you. And then apologize on my behalf for the inconvenience.

Then, it all went to static, making it known that Penwood set off the C4 he put around the room.

Peach: Walter...

Walter: Yes, Princess?

Peach: Sir Penwood was a-

Suddenly, Walter hit something, causing him to lose control of the car.

Peach: Son of a bitch!

As Walter managed to stop the car, he looked in front of him.

Walter: Princess, we have a problem.

She looks up as well.

Peach: Oh my God, the road is on fire!

Walter: Unfortunately, that's not the worst of it.

A lone soldier walks out of the fire and begins to make his way towards them. Walter gets out of the car.

Walter: If you'll excuse me, I have to meet with an old friend. You need to take the car, and make your way to the HQ on your own. I believe in you ma'am.

Peach: Walter... there's something I want you to know.

Walter: There is no time for Goodbyes.

Peach: No, I... I don't know how to drive. You and Toadsworth have drive me everywhere since I was ten.

Walter: Oh... well, perfect time to learn.

Peach gets into the drivers seat and look at Walter.

Peach: You come back to us, understood?

Walter: Understood ma'am.

She closes the door.

Peach: Now, which one is the clutch?

Suddenly, she takes off.


Walter gets ready to fight the man and attacks with his wires, but the man catches them.

Walter: Oh, goodie. You haven't aged a day.

A Zeppelin begins to descend towards the two.

Major: Yes, we have aged like fine wine. While you have aged like milk. Spoiled, sour... and ruining my meal. But don't get me wrong, it's still nice to see you, Angel of Death! Let's have a heart to heart...

Meanwhile, Peach is still driving haphazardly and crashing into everything. Next thing she notices is a Nazi soldier at her window.

Nazi: Guten Abend! Could you please pull over?

She suddenly drifts the car, causing the soldier to roll over the hood and smash into a building.

A few moments later, she sees a ton of rickets being fired at her, yelling as she tries to swerve away from them.


One of the rockets hit right next to the car, causing her to crash. One of the soldiers jump on top of the car and gets ready to stab into the roof, but Peach quickly gets out, draws her sword and slices his head off. She then looks over to the others.

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