Chapter 16: All of Hell Shall Sing

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The two sides stop fighting as they all look at the being in front of them. They had all went into this war thinking that they would win, but now that one of the most powerful Vampires to exist was now fully unhinged, most of them had merely accepted their fate.

The fear of both sides only grew as the being before them simply raised his hand, and an army of the undead rose from an ocean of blood. Centuries worth of souls, feasted on by you and your father, we're called once again to take back the fight, and hopefully give some more civilians enough time to escape.

Meggy: But that's not all, here!

Meggy throws one more object your way. Without looking, you reach out and grab it, bringing it down to see that it was the sword you were supposed to get. Kaladbolg, a sword crafted and used by Dracula himself. You raise the sword high above your head before slowly lowering it to point forward, signaling your undead horde to attack.

Out of sheer desperation, or borderline insanity, the Nazis and the Crusaders made a temporary truce and attacked the new army. But it was all in vain as the ocean of corpses engulfed the two armies and tore them apart.

Of course, you weren't left out at all. You kept jumping to different sectors of the city, slicing and crushing anyone who got in your way, or even adding more undead to your ranks.

As this went on, the leaders of the two sides watched on with different outlooks. Maxwell was terrified as the demonic being was slaughtering his way through his forces. Next, he watched as the undead climbed on each other to reach the helicopters flying overhead.

The Major on the other hand, watched the battle unfold with glee. He enjoyed watching the the death and destruction go on, as he knew that his plan was going well.

Major: You know Doktor, it's quite hilarious in a mundane way.

Doktor: What is Major?

Major: Everyone has always wondered where Alucard came from and how he is so powerful. But they never took into account that Alucard spelled backwards is Dracula.

Doktor: To be fair, how long did it take us to figure that one out?

Major: A fair point. But, we were too bust planning World War 3~

Doktor: Very true. Might I also say that our forces are quite literally being slaughtered.

He laughs as he mentions this.

Major: Ah who gives a shit, they're Nazis.

Back to Maxwell, he was shouting orders to any soldier who wasn't butchered or turned.  He was so focused on this that he didn't see the pillar of undead that rose up in front of the helicopter.

Once the initial impact hit, the helicopter jerked around as body parts flew around the glass casing that protected Maxwell. The damage that was caused to the helicopter was enough to send it to the ground, causing an explosion.

By some miracle, Maxwell managed to survive the crash, with the glass casing intact. He saw the oncoming horde and recoiled in fear, but quickly noticed that they couldn't break through the glass.

Maxwell: Hahaha! Stupid demon zombies! The only thing that can break through this glass is the will of God hims-

He was cut off as a familiar bayonet comes from the sky and pierces the glass, cracking it. The blade stops just before it could touch Maxwell. The cracks increase in number and size until at last, the glass shatters.

Maxwell: Anderson!? Why?!

Maxwell: It is the sacred duty of the Iscariot Organization to punish the demon, the Heretic, and the False God. Also, you're a daft cunt.

The zombies surround and grab onto Maxwell as he desperately reaches out to Anderson.

Maxwell: Anderson... Anderson, please! I don't deserve this!

Anderson: Sinners will be allowed no quarter. Kill them all, and let God sort them out.

Maxwell said nothing more, and his life was ended when dozens of spears pierced him from behind.

After the corpses receded to find their next victim, Anderson went to the body of Maxwell.

Anderson: I'm not sorry for what I did. But I am sorry I had to do it. You were a good boy Maxwell. Shame you were such a shit man.

Meanwhile, the girls were all watching the whole thing unfold.

Tari: So... this is level Zero...?

Saiko: It would appear so.

Meggy: And this is the end result of centuries of him feasting on others. Thank God he's on our side.

Peach: Well, let's go meet up with our friend.

They all head down to ground level. Thankfully, the undead horde knew who was friend and who was food. Soon, the now white haired Vampire came in view. Sensing the new arrivals, you turn to see the loves of your immortal life, as well as your boss and friend.

Tari: Y/n... is that... really you?

She flinches as you stare at her. You raise your hand and she takes a step back and closes her eyes. Until she feels your hand rub her head. She opens her eyes to see you soft smile.

Y/n: Yes. It is me. My dear, sweet Tari.

You give a hug to Tari, then to Saiko. You even gave a friendly hug to Peach. Once you got to Meggy, you held on for dear life as you wrap your arms around her.

Meggy: I'm glad you made it in time.

Y/n: As am I. But to be honest, I was afraid what would happen when I embraced my full vampiric powers. But I never felt better.

Anderson: Then perhaps you feel good enough to settle this once and for all!

You turn to see Anderson standing a few yards away, bayonets at the ready.

Y/n: Anderson, we have a common enemy, why not hold a truce until we defeat the Major.

Anderson: No need to worry about him, I'll deal with him, once I cleanse the world of your filth!

Seeing that there was no way in talking him out of this, you point your sword at Anderson, prepared for the final battle between the both of you. To see, once and for all, who will stand in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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