Chapter 13: War (Short chapter for story purposes)

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Queen Toadstool gets a call on her personal phone. She looks at it and sees it is from her personal operative.

Queen Toadstool: Ah, Gregory. How is everything?

Gregory: My Queen, you were right about the three girls. They took the bait as you said.

Queen Toadstool: And the results?

Gregory: Unlike the last subjects... they survived.

Queen Toadstool: Perfect! Then it seems my little project has finally worked as expected. Now if we were to get both Alucard and Dracula's blood, nothing will be able to stop me!

She gets off of her throne and looks out the window, looking at Mushroom City, and past that was an armada of Zeppelin.

Inside the main Zeppelin, the Major stood talking to his men as they were about to reach the city.

Major: Gentlemen, Operation: Bait Van Winkle was an astounding success! Alucard is now EXACTLY where we need him to be so we can move forward with our little... surprise. However, before we begin our next phase, I would like to take some time to address a rumor floating around the fleet. Some of you have come to believe that I... like... war. I wish to dash these rumors. I do not like war.

Everyone begins to look a bit confused. That is, until the Major smiles widely.

Major: I. LOVE. War. Through my life, I have discovered many forms of war. You wake up, get into your shitty car and you see some CEO who works half as hard as you do, drive down the street in his Porsche. Class war! You make it to work and you find out that the annual drug test is today, and you just so happened to take a puff of your one-hitter a couple nights ago before dinner with your wife's AWFUL parents! Drug war! But then, you find out that the only ones being called in for testing is your black and Hispanic co-workers. Race war! Then you post about it on Facebook and all your friends start arguing about what's right and wrong. Flame war! Them you get home and decide to relax by watching a program about who gets the box, what's in the box how much is what's in the box worth? Storage wars. Hehe.

Everyone laughs at the Major's little joke.

Major: What I am telling you my Nazi army of one THOUSAND vampires, is that I am a purveyor of war. And with your help over the years, we are now at the precipice of our true goal. You see, I want a simple war... No class wars, no drug wars, no race wars, no flame wars, and CERTAINLY, no COLD WARS! Blueballed for forty years... What I want is a war that only we can bring. A true war. A German war! The sequel you've all been waiting for! I! Want! WORLD! WAR! THREE!

The army begins cheering as they moved in for attack positions. Major moves up to the bridge of the Zeppelin and prepares his army.

Major: Herr Doctor, please lead us off.

Doktor: Of course. Everyone, thank you for coming to the mandatory pre-war seminar. Please open your World War III pamphlets to page 3.

Major: We have an exciting itinerary of the evening's events. Tonight, we annihilate the Mushroom Kingdom!

Soldier: All of the Kingdom?

Major: ALL of it!

Doktor: What about the Holocaust Museum?

Major: Leave that be. No one will deny what we did. But other than that, destroy EVERYTHING! But leave the Mushroom Castle alone. I have to make a serious call with someone important there.

As the Zeppelin gets in range of the city, everyone on the ground floor look on in confusion as to why they are even here. Then they saw the Swastika on the side of the airship, and the hatches begin to open.

Missiles were launched and soldiers dropped into the streets. As buildings were destroyed and debris fell crushing any unfortunate soul to be there, the soldiers made their landing and opened fire on anyone they saw.

Those that weren't being gunned down were being devoured by the vampire soldiers.

Doktor: Is it everything you hoped for, Major?

Major: Yes, because it means the destruction of innocent lives. Induction, then destruction! WHO WANTS TO DIE?!!!

He laughs maniacally as the very city began to burn away. Fire, screams, the sound of guns and blood filled the streets of the city.

Only then did a private jet, making its way from Transylvania, finally land on the property of the Castle.

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