Chapter 1: Human or Monster

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(*Looks at The Dragons Vessel* Look how they massacred my boy...

But all jokes aside, this kinda pisses me off. All that work and time down the drain in a single instance. Well, I've had this idea for a while, and I will do this one for now. Hopefully Wattpad will fix this issue and I can get my story back.

If I don't get my story back, will I rewrite Vessel? Of course. It was my fastest growing story and a lot of people liked it, so I hope this issue gets resolved. But again, if not, I'll rewrite Vessel. Enjoy this one for now though!)


Meggy POV

After getting done with my training for the day, I was heading for the castle my friends and I hang out at. I promised one of my best friends, Y/n that he and I would go see a movie later in the day. I giggle as I remember his reaction. He's such a sweet guy, he's also funny, smart, and caring. Always looking after us before himself. I just don't like how the others treat him. I think the only people who actually cares for him are me, SMG4, Tari and Saiko. The others treat him like a punching bag.

Y/n has had a very troubled past, and is prone to frequent panic attacks. They're favorite thing to do is to cause said panic attacks. They think it's hilarious, when in actuality, its dangerous. Not even my rival, Desti would go that far. And I know because one day, when she was once again messing with us, she came up and playfully ran her finger up his arm and it sparked something. She felt so bad after we managed to calm him down that she was actually in tears. Afterwards, he forgave her and that it was just unexpected. Since then, she's been a little nicer. Guess after actually causing something like that it made her think about a few things.

The moments when it's just us girls, people would ask us if we liked Y/n. And, you know what, I won't lie. I do. Tari and Saiko said the same thing. Despite his shyness and hesitation to most things, he won't hesitate to help his friends. When I reach the main foyer, I see him and Tari playing a game together.

Tari: YAAAY!!! We finally beat the boss! You're the only one who helped me beat him Y/n!

Y/n: Am I really?

Meggy: Yeah. I came close, but he hit me with a cheap attack and it knocked me into Tari, killing us both.

Y/n: Was it the one where it looks like he's charging for a overhead slam but in reality it's a spinning attack?

Meggy: That's the one.

Y/n: Yeah, that almost got me too.

Meggy: You ready to go Y/n?

Tari: Where are you going?

Meggy: We're going to see a movie. Wanna come? We can ask Saiko if she wants to come too.

Tari: Is that alright with you Y/n?

Y/n: Sure! I love it when all of us are together!

I smiled as Y/n gives us one of his big smiles. We go and look for Saiko, when we see her walking down the hall, we run up to catch up to her.

Meggy: Hey Saiko!

As soon as I call her name, I see Y/n get pushed forward. He stumbles and crashes into Saiko, causing them both to fall to the ground.

Saiko: Watch where you're going dumbass!

She looks to see who knocked her down. Her eyes widen and I know she immediately regrets what she said. I turn to see it was Bob that pushed him.

Bob: Hahaha, that shit was funny!

Meggy: Bob! Why do you have to be such an asshole?!

I run over to Y/n and Saiko. She was holding Y/n, who was shaking and hyperventilating.

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