Chapter 3: A New Job

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As the days went by, things started looking up for you. The rest of the guys stopped picking on you, and actually became quite close friends. Of course at first they were terrified of what you'd do. But after they got to know you, the real you, they apologized and became friends with you. Your relationship with the girls has been going great as well.

Meggy has been true to her word, and has not once treated you like a servant. She only orders you to do something when she has to. Like when she ordered you to let go of Bob as you dangled him over the ledge of the roof when he called Saiko a bitch. Also, her reaction to you drinking from her is quite... neutral, really. To her, there is a sharp pinch for a second, then it just feels like your kissing and sucking on her neck, which she enjoys.

Saiko is the one that makes you fear that whatever innocence you have will be stolen without warning. You told Tari and Saiko that because of their bond with Meggy, they're just as much as your master as Meggy is, so when Saiko learned that... well, you'd rather not talk about it right now. She was also the most sensitive on her neck. After the first time you drank from her, you had to carry her home because she couldn't walk. And not because she passed out.

As for Tari, a bra can really hide somethings, if you catch my drift. She has never ordered you to do anything, but whenever a moment of perversion crosses her mind, she takes it. You should really tell her that you can see her peeking through the bathroom door after you take a shower. She was scared the first time you drank from her, but after kissing her from her lips to her neck, she didn't notice until you were done.

Today though, was a little different...

Y/n: Ex-fucking-scuse me? With a capital fucking scuse?!

Peach: I said... that you and your friends are going to be kicked out of my castle. I can't stand having my kingdom destroyed, ransacked and broken into because of you idiots!

Meggy: But we have no place to live! And my apartment can't fit everyone!

Peach: And that sounds like not my problem. But then again, Y/n was the only one that could stand against Daray, so I came up with an ultimatum.

Meggy: And what would that be?

Peach: Since you don't even order him around, what good are you being his master? If you give him to me, and I can use him as a means of getting insects that need exterminating, I will let all of you stay.

Saiko: You're going to turn Y/n into a killer!?

Peach: No. I'm using a monster to kill other monsters.

Meggy: Don't you EVER call him that again. And I will not hand him over to you. Whether I treat him like a servant or not, he belongs to me, Tari and Saiko.

Y/n: Meggy. It's alright.

Meggy: What?

Tari: Y/n, what are you doing?

Y/n: We need a place to stay, and I'm sure that when Daray's master finds out he's dead, he'll send more people.

Meggy: Okay Y/n. I trust you.

Saiko: We do too.

You gently kiss the three of them. Then you stare up to Peach.

Y/n: Under any other circumstance, I'd tell you to eat shit, fuck off and die. But like I said, we need a place to stay, and lessening the monster count would be beneficial.

Peach: I'm glad we've come to an agreement.

Y/n: But I'm going to go ahead and place some ground rules. Firstly, Meggy is my master, she overrules you in terms of domestic chores and such, mission wise you are above her. Secondly, I get weekends off. Lastly, I am allowed to do anything while not on a mission,

Peach: Very well, I accept those terms. So Meggy, what will it be?

Meggy: Fine. I don't like this, but fine.

Peach: Great! Since I knew you'd accept I went ahead and got your weapon made and delivered by our newest butler, Walter C. Dornez.

The door behind you opened, revealing an elderly man wearing a butler's suit and a monocle. He was carrying a case. He walks up to you and holds it out.

Walter: Greetings sir. While this was made a long time ago in my youth, no one really used it on account that no one could wield it.

He opens a case that held a silver hand-gun. The engraving on the barrel read 'Hellsing ARMS .454 Casull Auto'.

Walter: The gun weighs approximately six kg. unloaded and has a magazine capacity of six .454 Casull cartridges. It can kill any normal vampire with one shot normally, and each bullet supplied to you from now on will be blessed by a priest and have a cross engraved into the bullet. Any normal human can't wield it, but I'm sure someone of your capabilities can.

You take the gun out of its case. The weight felt perfect in your grip, and it felt comfortable.

Y/n: How do you know all of this?

Walter: Well, I used to be a part of an organization known as Hellsing. A group of vampire slayers and monster hunters.

He seemed to notice your expression, as he quickly reassured you.

Walter: But I know of you Y/n. You are not like any other vampire I met, and in a relationship with two humans, and an Inkling. You really are quite peculiar.

Y/n: Yes well, believe it or not, my dad wasn't really as bad as people make him out to be.

Peach: Well Y/n, you will get your first mission soon, enjoy the rest of your day.

Meggy grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room. Before you were completely dragged out, you thanked Walter for the gun. Meggy stormed through the halls, pushing people away if they got in her way. She opens the door to your room and once you get through the frame, she throws you on the bed and slams the door shut.

Meggy: GOD! That selfish, useless, waste of space! Out of EVERYONE why did SHE have to be princess!?

Y/n:: Meggy.

She looks over at you and sees your gaze. She calms herself down and climbs into the bed, cuddling up with you.

Meggy: I'm sorry... she just makes me so freaking angry! But I bet your hungry right now.

She moves her head to the side, but you refuse.

Y/n: I'd rather not drink while your this heated. Nothing against you, it'll just give a really bad taste.

Meggy: Well, I know a way to calm me down~

She smiles at you and stares at you with half-lidded eyes.

Y/n: You want to shoot my new gun don't you?

Meggy: Please~?

Y/n: Alright, come on.

Her mood instantly brightened as the both of you went outside to test your new gun.

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