Chapter 12: Rip Van Winkle

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Off in unknown skies, The Major walked back to his office with his associate, Doktor by his side.

Doktor: Well, Major, I think it went well.

Major: You *think* it went well? Herr Doktor, I was there. And much like our former boss... I killed it.

The doors to meeting room opened, and the voice belonging to a familiar cat boy was heard.

Schrodinger: Let us hope the Major does not end up the same. We do not have the freezer space for incidental leftovers.

Major: Ah Doktor, it is usually faux pas to give a pet as a gift, but I love him!

Doktor grabs Schrodinger by his collar and lifts him up out of the chair.

Doktor: Major, I am so sorry for his disrespectful disposition!

Major: Ah, not to worry Doktor. I enjoy some playful catliness on my staff.

He goes and sita on his chair and turns to face his set of monitors, showing a helicopter flying towards a ship.

Major: And now for phase two of our operation. Our Fraulein's infiltration of the English Channel.


Meanwhile, on a ship in the middle of the ocean, the ship's radar picked up the incoming helicopter.

Crewman: Sir, an unidentified helicopter is attempting to land!

Officer: That's odd... Captain Violet, do you know of- OH GOD!

In mere moments, the entire crew was slaughtered by the traitorous Captain and his squad of vampires. After the mess was cleaned up, they went out to meet with the new arrival.

Out of the helicopter came a neatly dressed woman holding a musket in her hands. As she pushed up her glasses, she gave a wide smile.

Woman: Ah, this is my favorite kind of ship. Running with blood and seamen.

Violet: ...What?

Woman: Just a game!

Violet: What game?

Woman: You lose! Lol, I'm so random!

Violet: ...The ship is now under your command, Ms. Rip Van Winkle.

Rip Van Winkle: Aw, danke schön Captain! Tell me, how did it feel slaughtering your kinsmen? Betraying family and country, all for the selfish desire to become an immortal vampire.

Violet: Well when you put it like that I feel like kind of a cunt.

Rip Van Winkle: Aww... well do you know what would make you feel better?

Violet: What's that...?

Here, she points her musket at the Captain.

Rip Van Winkle: Checking your privilege.

And she pulled the trigger on the Captain.


In the castle, you and Walter were making your way to meet with Peach. You had just finished saying goodbye to Meggy and the others as Queen Toadstool had asked for them.

Y/n: Walter... if I may confide in you...

Walter: I temper my sense of decency in expectation.

Y/n: I am positively THROBBING over these guys returning.

Walter: Well if it lasts for more than four hours...

Y/n: Do you know the top three favorite things I've killed are? Third is Daray, second is Nazis. Can you guess the first?

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