Chapter 14: Defend the Castle Once Again

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As the plane landed, the destruction of the city could be seen from the castle. The girls run out of the plane. They run out a little too fast as they weren't used to their new vampiric abilities.

Meggy: Alright, we need to get used to that.

Saiko: Yeah, but more importantly, what's going on with all of those blimps?

Tari: Actually, I think those were Zeppelin. They are much larger and used for... war...

Meggy: That explains the explosions we saw coming from the city! We need to go and back to the castle and see if everyone is alright!

With everyone in agreement, they run towards the castle, keeping check with their speed. The moment they entered the castle, they saw every member of The Wild Geese were scrambling around.

Saiko: What is going on?!

Wild Geese Member: One of the Zeppelin broke off from the main fleet and is one its way here!

They look out the window, and there was indeed a Zeppelin heading towards the castle.


Doktor: Major, it seems that Commander Blitz has decided to disobey your orders.

Major: So it seems. I knew she would want revenge after we sent in her brother as cannon fodder to bring out Alucard. Either way, she dies to the dogs at the castle, or she dies by my command.

He looks out to the castle, seeing the Zeppelin that broke off from the armada. His smile never coming off his face.


Meggy runs down the hall to Peach's room and opens the door. Peach wasn't there, but Pip Bernedotte and Desti were, loading all kind of guns.

Desti: Well, nice of you to show up.

Meggy: Where is Peach?

Desti: In the city, defending it.

Pip: Would you mind helping us?

Meggy: Sure, what do you need?

Pip walks over and gives Meggy an detonator.

Pip: This is for the bombs we have planted outside the castle. The moment those bastards reach the lawn, blow them to smithereens. It'll be like a surprise flashbang.

Meggy: But these aren't flashbangs.

Pip: Yes, well, they'll flash and they'll bang! Now get going!

Meggy nods and runs to the roof of the castle to wait for the possible incoming attack.

Pip: Did she seem different to you?

Desti: Yeah. But now is not the time to be wondering about that. Now we need to get ready to kill some Nazi bastards. But first, I need to rally the troops.

He goes over to a mic and turns it on, the intercoms ringing throughout the whole castle.

Pip: Now listen up everyone, these are vampires. Much like our friend Y/n, they won't go down easily. And a night on the town and a little bit of wine won't woo them over. You will have to show them that you care. Make them feel like they are the only thing in the world. Then when they finally open their legs, give them everything! And leave nothing.

She throws him an assault rifle and a revolver.

Desti: You are a perverted bastard.

Pip: What can I say? I'm French.

They then head down to meet with the rest of the Wild Geese. When they made it, everyone seemed fidgety. Moments later, the sound of explosions were heard as the bombs outside were detonated.

Now, everyone began freaking out. The two tried to calm them down, but nothing was working.

Desti: Look, I'll head up with Meggy and the others to deal with most of them. You deal with... this.

Pip: Well be like a high class escort, and make them pay for every inch!

Desti: I can't believe I find you attractive.

Pip: Wait... what?

She runs off to meet with the others. Then, one of Pip's comrades begin freaking out.

Jaffe: Look, I'll be the one to say it, I wish Y/n was here! At least when he was here, nothing was scary! If anything it was fucking hilarious! But now everything is just so god damn serious, like something is missing!

Pip: So what you are telling me Jaffe, is that we should get some stiff drinks, a couple of kneepads and gobble his cock? You want to sit back and whimper like the petty little preschool bitch you are, go ahead! But Y/n isn't here. He is on a fucking boat, and there isn't a goddamned thing we can do about it! So do some fucking soul searching, or find the remains of your crushed raspberries and hope, like always, that the girl comes first! That is, before those fuckers barge in here and turn you into the world's whiniest lunchable!

Wilhelm: Well, for now, we can only hope that they haven't gotten far in.

Just then, one of the other members barged through the door, covered in blood.

Wild Geese Member: They have overrun the castle! The girls out there are doing the best they can, but there are too many! We're gonna di-

Just then, the doors are blown open, sending shrapnel, pieces of wood and body parts everywhere. A large piece of wood flies through the air and impales Pip in the leg.

Pip: Damn it, I wish they would give us a little warning before they whip it out and blow it all over our backsides! Is everyone okay?

Nothing was heard. Only the crackling of fire. He grabs another detonator and clicks it, blowing up the hallway. He then hid, hoping he got everything. But once a pair of footsteps came through the destroyed door, that blew those hopes away.

Blitz: I smell you little pig. Come on out. I'll bite only a little bit.

As the woman go pass Pip's hiding spot, he grabs a nearby dropped rifle and gets up.

Pip: Va te faire foutre!

He hits her with the rifle.

Pip: That's French for fuck you!

He then unloads his revolver into the Nazi Vampire and tries to run away. However, he didn't get very far when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Blitz uses her scythe to bring Pip back to her.

Blitz: Found you little pig!

Suddenly, her arm was shot off as her other arm was ripped off by a black hound. Then, a hammer came around and smashed Blitz against the wall. Not a moment after that, a bayonet from the rifle Meggy was holding sliced her head off. More hounds were summoned and devoured Blitz piece by piece.

Saiko: Desti, take Pip somewhere safe!

Tari: We are going to help Peach in the city.

With a nod, Desti picks up Pip and takes him deeper into the castle. The other three run off into the city.

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