Chapter 7: The Vatican

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In a barren field, people skewered on spears and the bodies of soldiers laying scattered all over the ground, stood three individuals. Two men, and one boy. Among the two, was a man with long, flowing, jet black hair and glowing red eyes. The other had brown hair and blue eyes.

The boy, who was being held back by the brown haired man, had silver hair and golden yellow eyes that shined like the sun itself.

Red-Eyed Man: You remember our agreement, right,Van Helsing? I surrender myself, and you protect my son.

Van Helsing: Yes, Vladimir Tepes. Dracula. The boy will be placed within the Church, and seals will be placed to conceal his vampiric powers.

Dracula: He must also lose the name of Alucard. To hide him from my enemies. How about the name his mother wanted to give him? Y/n?

Van Helsing: A good name for a handsome young man.

Y/n: Father, must you really do this? We can hide, and when I grow up I can help you fight!

Dracula: No, my son. You must go with Mr. Helsing here. You must live a life your mother and I wanted you to live. A normal life.

Van Helsing allowed Dracula to hug his son one last time, before being placed in position on the guillotine.

Dracula: I love you, my son.

Y/n: I... I love you too... Father.

He was lead away as the blade fell upon Dracula's neck, and since he accepted Death, Vlad Dracula Tepes, the monster, the demon, the devil himself, was no more.


As you wake up from the same dream for the past week, you look around the room, hoping you're still in your room.

Y/n: You're not there anymore. You're still here. You're still at home.

You feel a hand reach up and place it on your shoulder.

Tari: Y/n... go back to sleep...

Y/n: Sorry, but I've gotta go help with orientation day. But I'll be back soon.

You give Tari a gentle kiss, then turn to the other two sleeping girls and kiss them as well. Turning into smoke, you exit your room and make your way to the meeting room.


Peach stood in front of the mercenary group that accepted her job post. Well, the ONLY people who accepted her post.

Peach: Listen up! You've all been subcontracted to be personal bodyguards to this little organization. As you heard, we deal with special interest targets. Terrorists, cultists and individuals who claim to be of... a mystical persuasion.

The mercenary group, known as The Wild Geese, laugh out loud. The leader, known as Bernedotte, spoke up.

Bernedotte: Well, is there anything else we should know about this little facility?

Peach: Everything you need to know has already been explained in the briefing.

You make your entrance by going through the wall.


Your sudden outburst and appearance scared the mercenary group, evident by all of them screaming

Peach: All of you, shut up!

They all got quiet and began whimpering instead.

Y/n: Hold on, are these guys French?! We are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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