Chapter 10: Meeting

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Y/n: C'mon, say it.

Peach: No, I'm not saying it.

Y/n: I'm a half-mast right now! I NEED to hear this!

Peach: Fine! You were right! The Nazi's are behind Millennium and they're the ones who attacked us!

You begin to laugh as the wonderful feeling of being right was almost too much to handle.

Peach: Jump off your own ass and die!

Y/n: Ah... Houston, we have no problems.

Meggy: You have way too much fun messing with her.

Tari: Honestly, it's a little scary.

Y/n: Speaking of scary, when I came back down, the whole camp set up by the police was decimated. Who did that?

Bernedotte: Ah, that would have been me. There's so much you can do with a gas mask and a silenced pistol.

Desti: You cleared an entire camp of police with just a pistol?

Saiko: That's impressive.

Y/n: I agree. Perhaps I was wrong about you Bernedotte.

Bernedotte: Please, my friends call me Pip.

Y/n: Well, alright then Pip,

Just then, the door was busted down by a familiar Preist.

Y/n: Alright, look Anderson, I just got finished. If you could just give me like... five more minutes-

He doesn't listen and punches you in the face.

Y/n: Nevermind, we're back in business!

Meggy: Y/n, be careful!

You dodge his next punch and hit him with one of your own.

Desti: I got him!

Anderson throws his bayonet and impales it on the wall, next to Desti's head. Shocked at nearly getting impaled, she falls to the ground.

Y/n: Oh great, now she's triggered. Gonna be all day with it.

Anderson: The good Lord has has passed down a blessing to ya FILTHY HEATHENS as a sign of good will. A small private Vatican jet. Now if you'll be so very Christian-like to ship your sorry pale ass out! Take you trigger happy harlot, your girlfriends, and the woman with ya!

Pip: Donc Quoi?

Y/n: Man, I don't know what I find funnier: the Catholic Church strong-arming you into helping us, or the fact that you obviously didn't see what I did to the statue of Big-J~.

Y/n: Man, I don't know what I find funnier: the Catholic Church strong-arming you into helping us, or the fact that you obviously didn't see what I did to the statue of Big-J~

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