Chapter 6: The Attack on The Castle

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(Remember, all of this is credited to Team Four Star. Just... don't look at me when this shit starts getting weird. Which it will.)

You were sitting with everyone in the main foyer, watching TV. Meggy sat in your lap while Tari and Saiko rested their heads on each shoulder.

They were still pretty shaken about the previous mission and encounter with Anderson. You understood why they would be, seeing their boyfriend come back from being decapitated. When you raised your hand to rub Meggy's head, she leaned back to enjoy it.

At the same time, everyone else was shaken by their newest guest. The Octoling, Desti. You were there when Peach sent out a contract to be your partner for any other missions, especially after the incident with Anderson. And it just so happens that Desti fit the bill.

Peach: Ah Y/n, there you are. Actually, I'm glad every guy is here in this room. Makes this a lot easier.

Mario: What's-a wrong princess?

Peach: We have a few guests coming in later tonight.

Bob: ArE tHeY hOoKeRs?

Peach: No.

Bob: AnD lIkE tHaT yOu LoSt Me.

Saiko: Disgusting pig...

Meggy: And he wonders why no girl wants to date him.

Tari: Thankfully Y/n isn't like that.

They each reached up and kissed you, making you blush as the others stared.

Peach: Anyway, they are our financial advisors.

Y/n: Oh man, they have to hate us!

Peach: They do. Which is why they canceled our budget.

Y/n: Ooh, that's bad. We need that right? Walter, we need that right?

Walter: Yes, very important.

Y/n: Thank you Walter.

Walter: Of course sir.

Peach: Over the last couple of years we've had some... expensive claims. First off, property damage.

Mario: Good times.

Peach: Dozens of noise complaints.

A bunch of ear-rape memes could be heard from SMG4's room.

SMG4: Sorry, I can't hear you!

Peach: Killing at least a dozen of innocent people.

Bob: Oh So DiD aNtHoNy HoPkInS aNd He GoT a FuCkInG oScAr FoR iT!

Peach: And... all of the public sexual harassment.

You, Meggy and Tari look over at Saiko. She had a... special way of showing her love to you and the others, most of which included a lot of touching and groping.

Saiko: I'm not apologizing. You like it.

The three of you could only blush as she said that.

Peach: But all of that I can fix plain and simple. It's you Y/n, that I'm worried about.

Y/n: What?

Peach: They don't know that you are a vampire, so I know this is asking a lot but...

Y/n: Buuuut...?

Peach: I need you to keep yourself locked in the basement until all of them are gone. And I need the rest of you to keep him there.

Y/n: I get the distinct impression that you're embarrassed of me.

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