Chapter 2: Their New Servant

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As the ashes of the killed vampires were blown away and the blood that stained the walls was absorbed by Y/n, the girls looked at their friend and love interest. They were impressed, scared and shocked at the sudden turn of behavior and the power he had. You turn and look at the three girls, your piercing red eyes scared them just a little more. You slowly walked towards them and tower over them.

Meggy: Umm... a little extreme for a first kiss.

You gently smile at them, and after seeing it, they knew you were still you.

Y/n: Sorry for that. I didn't mean to be so rough, I just hadn't tasted blood that delicious in a long time.

They noticed that your voice had gotten significantly deeper. Tari though, just had to make sure.

Tari: Um... are you still the same Y/n? You know, the same sweet, kind and funny Y/n?

Y/n: Yes Tari, I'm still me. Just with some vampiric powers.

She gave a sigh of relief, and smiled brightly at you.

Y/n: However, I do have one question. Meggy, before you gave me your blood, you said 'we love you' not just 'I'. Care to explain?

Meggy: Right. You see Y/n, you're one of the greatest guys I ever met. You were always there for us, and you never hesitated to help us. I still remember the time you tried to carry Saiko in when she sprained her ankle.

Saiko: You could barely pick me up, let alone carry me.

You blush and look away, but smile at the fond memory. 

Meggy: And after seeing what you've been through, when Daray did... whatever it was he did, while I'm so sorry for what you've been through, and I'll never know what that was like, but I'm glad that you are still who you are. I said what I said because we do.

She got up and walked over to you, pulling you into a hug. Her head buried in your chest now that you were a little bit taller.

Meggy: We love you Y/n. And we want to be with you.

Y/n: And your not afraid to be seen with a monster?

Tari: Stop calling yourself that! Your not a monster!

Saiko: And we will name every reason why until you believe us!

You take a moment to think, and when you did, you hold out your hands. Tari and Saiko take them and they hug you along with Meggy. Pulling away, they are surprised when you get on one knee and rest your arm on the other.

Meggy: What are you doing?

Y/n: Simple, you awakened the vampire in me and lived. You, Meggy, as of right now are my master, and I'm your servant.

Saiko: Hold up, so that means that she can tell you what to do and you have to do it?

Y/n: That's the gist of it, yes.

Saiko blushed and got a perverted smile on her face. She then whispers in Meggy's ear. Meggy's whole face went red and she screamed.


Saiko: Oh come on please?

Meggy: No! And there will not be any kind of master or servant thing. Y/n, you are your own person, understand?

Y/n: Of course. Master.

Meggy: Don't test me.

You laugh and soon Meggy and the other girls join. You know you have to explain to them what happens now.

Y/n: I hope you girls realize what's going to happen now. As in, I can't get my nutrition from human food anymore.

Tari: So you're going to have to... drink blood?

Y/n: Yes, I have to drink blood. 

Meggy: How can it be spaced apart?

Y/n: At least once a day. But I've had my fill already.

Saiko: Then we'll take turns. You drank from Meggy today, tomorrow it will be me, and the next will be Tari.

Tari: Will it hurt?

Y/n: That's the thing. Getting blood from someone willingly is completely different than forcibly taking it. If a vampire takes blood from someone willingly, they try to make it feel as painless as possible. Especially if it's of the opposite gender and are lovers. In this case, I have three people who are willingly offering their blood, all are female, and we are in a relationship.

Meggy: And that means...?

You blush and look away, trying to avoid this awkward moment as much as possible.

Y/n: I-it means... by instinct I will try to make you feel as little pain as possible. Even if it means... making you feel pleasure...

You look at them to see each of them are blushing hard. Meggy looked nervous, but also kind of... excited, Tari looked uncomfortable, while Saiko had a huge smile on her face.

Y/n: Its only if you tell me it's okay! Look, it's a very intimate thing to do to begin with! It shows the love and trust between vampire and human lovers. I-I don't make the rules!

Meggy: Alright, let's cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, let's go find the others.

Y/n: I got this.

You place your hand on the wall and a pulse went from your hand and down the hall.

Y/n: They're hiding in the room with the endless staircase.

They didn't question it and followed you. After you find them and tell them everything was fine, they were lead back to the main foyer, there they explained everything.

SMG4: So let me get this straight. All this time, we've been friends with not just a vampire, but the son of one of the most powerful vampires?

Y/n: Pretty much.

Mario: So... are you good, or evil?

Y/n: It's a matter of perspective really.

Bowser: So long story short don't mess with Y/n anymore.

Y/n: That's right bitch.

Bob: Wow, since when did you grow a pair?

Meggy: Ever since he made out with a cute girl, became a vampire, and slaughtered an entire army of vampires after making one of them scream his name.

Saiko: Two of which is going to happen again sometime in the near future.

Y/n: Which one? Making out with a cute girl or making someone scream my name?

Saiko: Yes.

Y/n: Got ya. Wait...

You look over at Saiko who winks at you. You then proceed to hide behind Meggy.

Y/n: I'm scared of Saiko now. Please save me.

Meggy: Don't worry, I'll keep the bad woman away.

She gets a spray bottle and aims it at Saiko.

Meggy: Stay back, you'll get your turn tomorrow.

Y/n: Thank you Meg- wait what? What!? WHAT!?

Meggy: Sorry Y/n, but after today, it's Saiko's turn. Speaking of which, let's go to bed. I'm tired after today. Come on Y/n.

Meggy drags you to her room, while you are scared about tomorrow.

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