Chapter 11: Reclaiming a Family Heirloom

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Meggy: So... your highness, what is it you wanted to give us?

Queen Toadstool: As you know, Y/n is a special case of Vampire. To keep his hunger in check, he sealed away most of his powers.

Tari: The restraints?

Queen Toadstool: Yes dear, the restraints. Now, I know that this Major will target the Kingdom, so I want the fight to be over quickly.

Saiko: What do you want us to do?

Queen Toadstool: In Y/n's home of Transylvania, there lies the ruins of his father's castle. In that castle is the preserved blood of Vlad Tepes as well as Y/n's sword, which was supposed to be passed down to him.

Meggy: And you want us to go there and reclaim these items, correct?

Queen Toadstool: Yes, as the blood of Dracula is the only thing that can break the seals on Y/n.

Saiko: Well how are we able get through there? Aren't there other monsters and stuff?

Queen Toadstool: And you believe that I haven't thought of that? I have made a few weapons for each of you.

She snaps her fingers and three men came into the room, two carrying a case, and one pushing a large crate.

Queen Toadstool: Meggy, for you, I have the gun Silver Heart. The bullets are made of pure silver and have been blessed by a local Preist. Trust me when I say that anything you shoot will never get back up again.

Meggy thanked the Queen, and bowed.

Queen Toadstool: Tari, I know ulyou don't like fighting, so I asked Y/n to offer some of his powers to create a familiar for you.

She was given a few slips of paper that had the same pentagram design as you had on your gloves.

Queen Toadstool: Simply put some of your blood on the paper, and a black hound familiar will be by your side.

Tari bows and thanks the Queen as well.

Queen Toadstool: And lastly, for you Saiko, a hammer that has also been blessed by a local Preist, that I call Demon Smasher. Have fun.

Saiko: ...This is one of the greatest gifts I've ever been given.

Meggy: Well, thank you Queen Toadstool. We appreciate it.

Queen Toadstool: Of course, but just know that you might not return as you are now.

Tari: What do you mean?

Queen Toadstool: Just some rumors I heard, but I'm sure that everything will be fine.

Meggy: Alright, better question, how are we going to get to Transylvania?


Meggy: Well, guess this answers my question.

The three girls were on a plane that was quickly making its way to Transylvania. Tari was once again looking out of the window as Saiko was staring at her new hammer.

Meggy took this time to inspect her new weapon. It was a rifle with a bayonet, which once she inspected it, was also made of silver. And even small runes were carved into the blade.

Soon, the plane began to land, and when they stepped off the plane, they took in the sights of a bustling town.

Saiko: huh... I thought that this place would be a barren wasteland.

As they enter the town, a man with slicked back hair greets them with a cautious look in his eyes.

?: Hunters, what is your business here?

Meggy: Hunters? No we aren't hunters! We're here to... um...

Tari: We should be honest, Meggy. Excuse me, but we are here to visit the castle if Dracula.

The man turns to Tari and a gleam is in his eyes.

?: And why do you need to be there?

Saiko: Because we are the girlfriends of his son, Alucard. Though now he is known as Y/n.

The man's eyes widened in glee.

?: Alucard? You're telling me the young master still lives?! And you are his lovers?!

The three nod and the hostile feeling left the man, replaced by joy.

?: This is wonderful news! Forgive me for my hostile approach, there have been a few suspicious people snooping around here. My name is Gregory, by the way.

The girls introduce themselves to Gregory and he takes them through the city and towards an old castle. On the way, Gregory begins to tell them about himself.

Gregory: You see, I used to serve Lord Dracula for centuries until I was handed over to serve the young Alucard. Unfortunately, ten years later, he gives himself to Van Helsing to spare the rest of us.

Tari: What was he like?

Gregory: Lord Dracula? Despite all the stories that were spread, he was a very noble and gentle man. Everything he did, he only did for the good of his people, court and family. In fact, he was accepting and even encouraged vampire and human relationships, as he had a human wife.

Once they reached the castle, Gregory turned to them with a serious face.

Gregory: Now, it seems that whoever sent you here failed to tell you that to enter this castle, you must be one of his court, or in a blood relationship with one of the members, or invited by the lord himself.

Meggy: And since Dracula is dead...

Saiko: But I'm guessing a blood relationship is a vampires way of saying wife?

Gregory: Yes. For a human to come into such a relationship, they must consume the blood of the one they wish to marry. They will not become a vampire, but will inherit the strength and an increased life span of one.

The girls gather together and debate on what they should do. It didn't take long for them to come to a decision.

Tari: Is there any perserved blood from Y/n?

Gregory: Yes, give me a moment to fetch it.

He enters the castle, leaving the three on their own. Moments later, Gregory returns with three vials of filled with blood. He hands a vial to each girl and they ready themselves before putting it up to their lips and draining it.

They immediately gag and choke as the metallic taste runs pours down their throat as they began to wonder how Y/n could possibly enjoy this taste.

Soon though, they begin to feel the effects of the blood and they feel the connection between them and Y/n. Their eyes open, revealing a flash of red before returning to their original colors.

Gregory: Come then.

They nodded and followed Gregory through the castle. They first visited Dracula's chambers to get the blood vial. Then, they came to the armory to get the sword that was supposed to go to Y/n's possession.

After getting what they needed, they thanked Gregory and made their way back to the plane so that they could return to the Kingdom.

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