Friendly advice

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I didn't sleep last night, no surprise there.
James dropped me off at Alex's and I stayed in his spare room. I think I'm going to head back to Dorset though today, forget everything that happened in London.

I remembered that p was coming to visit today so I quickly grabbed my phone of charge to text her and briefly explain.

17 miss called from Brad

5 new messages from Brad

I unlocked my phone and typed in Ps name.

1 new message too P x x

Hey! I can't wait to see you today although allots gone on so I'll have to meet you at Starbucks or somewhere today. I'll explain later. Love youuuu x x

I had until Monday off work but when I went in today I was going to tell them that I'm leaving town so I can't work there any more. I through my head back on my pillow before reading through the texts Brad had sent.

Betsy where are you? James won't tell me and I just need to know you are ok. We can work through this. I Love you

Betsy? At least let me know you are safe.



I take it you won't reply and you have every right to be angry but we can't let my stupid drunken mistake ruin everything. I love you more than you'll even know. X

My tears were falling again and my head hurt. What am I going to do? Is this the end of me and Brad? Should I give him one last chance, maybe he'd be happy that I'm pregnant. Probably not.
My phone vibrating snapped me out of my thoughts.

1 new message from P x x

Why what's happened ?! Have you and Brad argued? I'm just getting off the train now so give me half an hour and I'll be at Starbucks. Are there some arses needed to be kicked? I love you too girl x x

I quickly replied before getting out of bed. It was 1pm so I should be getting up anyway. I looked at my suitcase for a good 5 minutes before finding the will power to open in and pull out some leggings and a jumper.
I quickly got changed, tied my hair up and washed myself before walking into the kitchen to see Alex at the table.

"Morning sleepy head, feeling any better?" He said giving me a weak smile.
"Not really, I'm going to go and meet P for a while and explain. Then I'm going to book a ticket back home I think. I just need a break from everything you know?" I sighed walking over to the fridge and pulling out a smoothy.

"Well you always have me, and if you choose to go home then don't forget about me! You're better come vista me, you and that little baby of your" he smiled pointing to my stomach.

"We will don't worry" I smiled back.


"Are you serious? I'm going to be an auntie!!!" P literally screamed causing us to receive a few stares.

"Shut up will you, but yes. I haven't told Brad and I'm going to move back home. I will tell him eventually, when the time is right. But for now I want him to live his dream, as much as I hate him right now" i sighed.

"You do whatever you want to do hun, you can come and live with me if you like. I have two spare rooms from when everybody use to stay. When baby gets older it has its own room until you find your own place, but you are always welcome" she looked like she was about to explode of excitement.

"Thankyou P, not just for this, but for everything. Know matter what you have always been there for me and I can't thank you enough. You are the only one that's made a joke out of this situation and completely left out what Brad did. You always know how to make me smile" I said smiling at her.

"I'm your best friend, it's what I'm here for. Have you still got the spare key I gave you too the apartment?" She asked.

"Yeah it's still on my key ring. Is it okay if I go up today? I just really need to get away from everything you know." I asked her as I looked through my bag for my keys.

"Of corse, I'll come home in two days to make sure you are okay you know where everything is though, just try and keep yourself together" she said rubbing her hand on top of mine over the table.

"Whatever happens, happens for a reason and you just need to fight through it. I'll be here, James will, Con and Tris love you to pieces. Everything will be fine. You just do what you think is right"

We chatted about everything but the Brad and my baby for about an hour. It was just what I needed really, to forget about everything for that short amount of time. I don't know if James and Connor will be able to keep my secret for the next few months, I really hope they do. I mean I won't really see them much do its not like they will be talking about me.
I will tell Brad eventually, when the time is right.

Short filter chapter but the next chapter is the last one!! I will write a sequel which I have already started to work on for the people that asked for one.
I can't believe that I have over 2k reads though that's insane! It might not seem like a lot but when I started this book I was expecting to get like 2 so Thankyou!

Comments / votes really motivate me to update 🙈

X x x

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