Visits from Parisa

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~ Recap ~
"Wait Betsy can I ask you something. I've been wanting to ask you all day I just couldn't bring myself to" Brad shouts as he starts to walk back towards my door.
"Erm yeah sure?" My heart was pounding. Brad just stood and stared at me as if he was lost for words.
"Oh erm yeah I was wondering if maybe.. Erm you'd like to.. I Duno go out with me sometime" Brad said looking at his shoes.
"Didn't we just say that we should do this again" I laughed however I'm slightly confused at why he is asking again.
"No I mean like as a erm... Date?"


Did he just ask me out? I'm not prepared for this. Do I want to? Bloody hell of corse I want to. But What about James? What will he think? Slow down its just a date. It might not even go well and it's not like it means anything serious.

"'s fine I get it sorry for asking. It was stupid, bye Betsy"

"Wait no sorry I.. Yeah I'd love too Brad"
His eyes finally glanced from his feet and lock with mine.
"Wait what? Really?!"
"Yes" I laughed and he pulled me into a tight hug. Somebody seems happy.
Brad pulls away and leaves a soft peck on my cheek.
I feel my cheeks heating up and Brad starts heading back down towards the lift.
"Bye Betsy"
"Bye Brad"
"PARISAAAA" I scream down the phone.

"I think that you should come and visit me so that we can catch up its been like a week?!"
"When would you like me to visit then?"Parisa laughed down the phone.

"Right now"
"Okay give me 10 minutes and I'll be there"
I hang up and sit on the couch. I don't have a clue how Parisa will react the this. I know that she has being suspecting something since the first time we met Brad (sober) but I don't know why because me and Brad have barley spoken since.
I wonder what we are going to do on the 'date'. I don't expect anything big. I mean it's just a date.
The opening of my apartment door snaps me out of my thoughts. Yes Parisa has a key to my apartment.

"So what was so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow b?" Parisa laughs as she jumps in the couch and lying over me.

"I didn't say there was anything important?" Now I'm slightly confused.
"It's 7pm and you would normally be in your pjs in bed by now. So something most have happened seen as you aren't"
It drives me mental sometimes how well she knows me.
"Ahh well actually I've been out with Brad today"
"Whattt?! Brad as in Bradley Simpson as in your brothers best friend Brad?!" She literally screamed down me ear.
"Yes that Brad" I giggled back to her.

"What how did that happen?"
"He came round last night asking if I wanted to go for something to eat and then we came back here and ended up falling asleep. Then today we just watched films and stuff."
Parisa looked at me as if I'd just told her Christmas has come early.
"What do you mean 'and stuff' ey ey? She winked at me whilst giving me a little smirk.
"Jesus P nothing like that! I mean we went to get more food then he walked me home andthenhemightofaskedmeout"

"Wait what did you say?"


"Betsy Blue slow down"

"Okay well he sort of asked me out on a date but that's it he left after that."

"He did whhhattttt?! Omg when? Where is he taking you? Does James know? Omg BETSY-BLUE IS FINALLY GOING ON A DATE AFTER ABOUT 12453 YEARS!"

"Jesus P you sound more exited then I am. And I don't know anything about. He didn't say anything like that."

"Well we nee to find out don't we." She winked at me and pulled out her phone.
"P what are you up too?"
"Nothing just texting James and asking for Tris's number"
"Why didn't you just ask me?" I laugh because I know that she knows I have all of the boys numbers.

"Oh well I thought I'd ask James" she started to slightly blush.

"Ooooo so you do like James then? Omg we could be sisters?!"

"Betsy shut up I don't know what you are going on about." Her head was down looking at her phone but I could tell she was blushing.

Parisa was deep into whatever conversation she was having on her phone so I thought I'd check up on my Twitter. I have quite a few followers because of Only The Young but we obviously haven't been doing covers or anything so I try to keep them updated on out lives.

"@Betsy_Oty : how is everybody? We miss you. Come down to the town square tomorrow lunch time for a Petsty catch up :)"

I started to get a few tweets back off of fans and I followed a few before my phone completely blew up. That never normally happens. I mean we have fans but I never get over 200 mentions in the space of a minute.
I scroll down my mentions and they are all about Brad. I'm use to getting tweets about the boys obviously because I'm James's sister but I never really get them about Brad.
I clicked on Brad's profile and I saw that he'd replied to my tweet.

"@BradTheVamps: @Betsy_Oty does that mean I'm invited?;)"

I decided to reply but he probably won't see it he gets so many tweets.

"@Betsy_Oty: @BradTheVamps Well that's up to you, but don't bring that awful smell that follows you everywhere with you ;)"

I slid my phone back into my pocket too see that Perisa is staring at me smiling.
"Hmm what's going on on Twitter missy?" She is still smirking at me.
"Nothing, just two friends talking" I gave here a smile back and she rolled her eyes.
"Well I'm going to go to sleep so you can either sleep here or go home, but just make sure you are awake and ready for 11:30" I said as I stood up and headed for my bedroom.

"Night Betsy blueeeee"

"Night P"

I got changed and snuggled up under my covers. Today's been a crazy day.

Expect the unexpected ( bradley Simpson )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें