just trust me

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my heart sunk.

i havent done anything wrong but im sure Brad is going to be over the moon that one of my closest friends tried to kiss me knowing that i have a serious boyfriend.

"its nothing Bradley, just a picture that has been taken from the wrong angle at the wrong time"

i started to panic, but its not my fault.

"yeah, only because it caught you out. I knew it. I knew it!!! i never trusted him, he was way to nice. Miles nicer then me. I'd be stupid to think you wouldnt! " brad through his phone on the bed, not even looking at me.

"i dont care if youre pissed Brad, you are going shut up and listen to me. Yeah Alex is atractive, id be lying to you if i said otherwise. But he isnt you Brad. I dont want Alex, I want you! i promised you i wouldnt lie to you so im not going to. Alex did try to kiss me, but i rejected him. Hence the fact there is my pictures of us kissing. He accepted that i love you and he didnt try anything else the whole day. Brad look at me please."

I slowly walked over to him and pulled him down to sit on the bed with me.

"if i didnt want to be with you, why would i leave my life and move to London to be with you? why would i spend christmas with you? why would i sit in almost every night watching your stupid films? I wish you would understand that im not out to hurt you. I love you, please just trust me."

Brad didnt say anything he just sat staring at me for about a minute. suddenly he placed his warm hand on my cheek and gently conected his lips with mine. The kiss lasted about a minute before he pulled away and lent his forehead on mine.

"Nobody has ever said anything nearly as nice as that to me. You see Betsy this scares me. Im always the one that doesnt care, that messes around. Im the one who has multiple girls, likes to party. but the second i layed eyes on you that person died. Im not use to not being incontrol of my feelings.I love you so much Betsy."

I didnt know what to say. I've never really painted that picture. Bradley Will Simpson the heartbreaker. The type of boy i stay as far away from as possible. But he said hes changed so that doesnt matter. He cant change the past.


We didnt really move for the rest of the night. I mean the mood was kind of killed. I just put Betsy's favourite film on and we lay in bed, her snuggled into my chest.

Alex is such an idiot. He knew about me. He'd bloody met me.

I cant beleive i told Betsy the truth about what I use to be like. I was everything she didnt want. i just hope that i can prove to her that im not that person anymore. I dontt think I'll be able to cope if I lost her. Nobody has ever treated me the way she does, cared for me like she does. I just hope I don't screw it up.


Short filter chapter but I do have an idea of where I'm going with it so bare with me💩

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Love Jodie xo

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