Come with me

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I'm sick of this now. It's been three weeks since I last saw Brad because he and the band are so busy with interviews because of their new single Wild Heart. Don't get me wrong I'm so happy for them and I wouldn't want Brad to give up in his dream but there is only so much I can take. If I can't last three weeks then how the hell am I going to cope with him being on the other side of the world, because let's face it, they are only going to get more popular.

Maybe I should just end it. It would be for the best. Wouldn't it?

No that's stupid,that would kill me. But I can't keep living like this. I know it sounds pathetic but I just can't do it.
Brads going to FaceTime be in about half an hour when he gets out of his meeting so I guess I'll say something then. I don't know what exactly I'm going to say and I don't know how he is going to react but I just need to keep reminding myself that it is for the best.

My phone started to buzz and Brads face lit up on the screen and that was the moment my heart sunk.
I picked up the phone and answered it and brads face appeared.

"Elloooo" Brad smiled

"Hey" I replied.
"How is everything?"
"Erm fine why wouldn't it be? I snapped.
"No reason i was just asking.. Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. . Well actually no ...Brad I need you to listen to me."
"Betsy what's wrong? Has something happened? Are you okay?"

"Brad please just listen nothing has happened to me I'm fine"

"Then what is it Betsy?" I could see the concern in his eyes and it broke my heart.
"I..I can't do this"
"Do what ?" My heart was pounding and I felt like I was about to burst into tears.
"This.. Us.. It's too much I'm sorry" I couldn't contain my tears much longer and I finally let one sleep and I think Brad did the same.
"What? You don't mean that Betsy whatever I've done wrong I'm sorry just please don't say that""I couldn't bring myself to look at him on my screen but I could hear his voice break as he spoke.
"Bradley you haven't done anything wrong, I..I just can't deal with not having you here and the fans and I just can't do it I'm sorry" tears are starting to escape quicker no and I looked at my screen to see Brad with bloodshot Eyes.
"Wait the fans? What have the fans got to do with anything?" Brad sounded more concerned now then upset.
"I while back.. Erm a few fans, well they tweeted me telling me that you could do so much better and that you will because I don't live there and.."
"That's not going to happen, for starters there isn't anybody better, and I don't care if you live in fucking Australia, I'd make sure our relationship worked Betsy because I love you!"
His voice had so many emotions in it. Anger,confusion,sadness,fear and it left me speechless.
"I..Bradley you know I love you too but it's harder than it sounds"
"Than come with me?"
"Come and live with me and Con in London? They have plenty of Starbucks for you to get a job in and Parisa is always down because of James anyway so why not? Betsy I love you and I'm not just letting you walk away from me like that"
Did he actually just ask me to move in with him? I mean we've been together for quite a few months now but this isn't what I was expecting. The only thing I could bring myself to say is..

"Okay? Seriously?!" For the first time during this phone call I actually saw Brad smile.
"Yes seriously" I laughed.
"Well Betsy I'm going to have to go, get packing. I love you."

"I love you too" and with that Brad's face disappeared from my screen.
Maybe this could actually work out. Maybe I should stop doubting myself. Maybe Brad isn't the bad guy that's going to hurt me. Maybe I could actually be happy.



Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been super busy. I know this is short and poo but I wrote it in about half an hour so bare with me.

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Jodie xox x

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