Lazy day with Brad

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I woke up because of the sunlight shining through the window. I should have remembered to close them. I moved my head slightly and had a mini heart attack when my face was planted into a large ball of brown curls.
I suddenly remembered who it was and began to relax. I then looked down because I felt something heavy on me to see Brad's arm wrapped around my waist.

I tried to slide from under his arm and run to the bathroom before he woke up but as I tried, I felt his grip tighten and him start to move.

'Morning' a husky voice said. Dam he sounded good.
'Morning. I'm just going to run to the toilet I'll be back in a sec.'

When I got to the bathroom I tried to fix the messy bun on my head and gave my teeth a quick brush. I looked a mess.

After fixing my hair as best I could, I walked back into my bedroom to see Brad sat up on his phone. He obviously hadn't notice I'd come back in and he started to laugh a at something on his phone. I stood in silence leaning on the door frame just watching him for about 20 seconds.

"Why are you staring at me?" Brad chuckled.
"I..I wasn't I was daydreaming"

"Yeah okay whatever, I believe you" he winked at me and then patted the bed next to him, signalling for me to join him.

"So then Betsy, what do you have planned today?"

"Well I was going to just stay in, have a lazy day. What about you Simpson?"

"Now you come to mention it, I was thinking the same thing." he once again winked at me and the butterflies made a return, he needs to stop that.
"Now it would be pointless for us to do it in our own when we could do it together wouldn't it Betsy"
I smile and walked over to my dvd case pulling out inception

"Well with the acceptation that we watch some DiCaprio, I suppose you can stay"

I put the dvd into the tv before running to the kitchen and grabbing all of the junk food I could find and running back to my room.

"Well I guess this is breakfast" I laughed and threw it on the bed.


It was about 4pm and the only time me or Brad had moved is to change the dvd.
We have talked about the weirdest things and he's told me how much he misses his sister and hiss dog Jesse back in Birmingham, and obviously his parents too.
We decided that we wanted food, and I know we only went last night but I really wanted McDonalds again.

We walked into the restaurant and Brad went and ordered food, insisting on me just sitting down and waiting.
When he walked back over with the food, I saw a few girls on the next table eying him up and for some reason I felt jealousy come over me. But why? I don't like my Brother's Best friend.
We started to eat and I noticed the girls still looking.

After about 5 minutes they start to walk over to us.

"Sorry to bother you too but are you Brad Simpson?"
"Well that depends, who's asking?" He laughed but also sounded half serious.
"Omg we love your covers with The Vamps we have watched all of them about 10000 times! You guys are amazing, can we get a photo?" They literally screamed.
"Yeah of corse" Brad stood up and one of the girls handed me her phone.
I took a few pictures then Brad chatted with the girls for a while before hugging them and they then left.
"Wow" Brad genuinely looked so happy but shocked at the same time, overwhelmed.
"I've been stopped by fans before, but only when I'm with the boys so that was abit surreal that they noticed me by myself."
"Ahh well better get use to it Simpson. Won't you have a single out soon?"
"Yeah actually but we haven't decided which one,miss crazy that just over a year ago i didn't even know any of the boys existed, now here we are, about to release our own single." He really did seem stunned.

We say in silence for I while, me staring out the window we were sat next to, watching the cars go by and Brad staring in my direction, probably daydreaming.

"What are you thinking?" I asked him and he started to smile.

"I just don't get it. Your gorgeous, you are a really nice girl, but you can give it out, yet you're single. I just don't get how. I thought you'd have boys lining up for you."
I could feel my cheeks heating up so I lent my elbows onto the table, and leaning my head on my hands covering my cheeks.

"Probably because none of that is true, I'm an ugly and moody and I spend most days in her apartment alone or at work. I'm not very good at socialising either." I gave him a sarcastic smile and we both went silent again for a few seconds.
"Do you really think that?" Brad asked, looking abit upset.
"Yeah, I mean it's the truth. You'll get bored of talking to me soon"
I highly doubt that Betsy, you're one of the only people I speak to that doesn't treat me like 'that boy from that band'. I feel like half of the friends I've made down hear only want to be mates with me because of The Vamps."
"Oh I definitely only want to be friends because of The Vamps, truth is I find you really annoying" I teased and I got a pair of squinting eyes in return.
"We'd better be going, Gordie Shore starts in an half an hour" I stood up, Brad followed out of McDonalds and we started to walk towards my apartment block. It was only about a 10 minute walk away so it wasn't that bad.
"You don't have to walk me you know, I'm not a baby" I rolled my eyes at Brad who'd insisted on walking me to my apartment.
" Actually, I do, I left my keys on the side"
We didn't talk much during the 10 minute walk, but it wasn't awkward,it was just nice to have Brad around me.
We reached my apartment and I ran in grabbing Brad's keys off the side and running back to the door.
"I've had a nice day, thank you " I said to Brad as I gave him his keys.
"We should definitely do it again sometime" he replied as he pulled me into a tight hug.
I laughed as we pulled away "bye Bradley" I smile at him as he started to walk away.
"Bye Betsy"he replied and I started to close the door.
"Wait Betsy can I ask you something? I've been wanting to ask you all day I just couldn't bring myself too" Brad shouts as he starts to walk back towards my door.

Sorry it took so long and it's just a filter chapter but there you goo. I'll try and update abit more often now 🙈

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