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I'd been really exited all week to see Betsy. I'd really missed her which I know seems stupid seen as we haven't been together long.
One thing was bothering me though.
I know It sounds stupid but I know how close him and Betsy are and I don't know I think I'm just jealous.

I was currently in the taxi on the way to Betsy's apartment after a long train journey. I hadn't spoken to her much this week and I felt really bad about it, but I knew that if I got into a conversation with her I wouldn't want it to end. I hope she isn't annoyed at me because of it.
The car journey went quite fast and before I knew it I was stood outside her apartment door with butterflies in my stomach. I quickly knocked on the door exited because in a few seconds I'd see my amazing girlfriend.
Within seconds the door swung open and I couldn't help but drop my bag and pull Betsy into a tight hug.
"I've missed you" I mumbled into her neck.

I few hours past and they were spend watching films and eating junk food. These guys are really funny but I can see the Betsy and Charlie keep sharing inside jokes or something seen as the keep laughing at each other randomly.

After talking to them about Can we dance and The Vamps, I realised that Betsy had gone a bit quiet so I slightly nudged her to see if she was asleep.
She peered up at me with her gorgeous eyes. I could tell she was tired so I asked her if she wanted to go to bed but she insisted we stayed up.

I finally got up off of the couch to use with bathroom which I've been dying to do for about half an hour now. I couldn't of been out of the room for more than 5 minutes but when I came back in, I saw what I'd hoped I'd never see.
Betsy all of Charlie whilst Charlie kissing her check. He was sat in the same spot that I'd been sat in minutes before, snuggled up to MY girlfriend.

I don't know what came over me but I just screamed.
Betsy looked at me as if nothing was wrong?! As If she wasn't snuggled up o another boy whilst her boyfriend was in the other room.
She got up from the couch at walked over to me .
"What are you shouting about Brad?" She asked sounding all innocent.

" Don't let me stop you and Charlie, I mean I'm just you're boyfriend, nothing important. Let me know when you've finished"
I didn't even let her respond before I stormed out of the apartment. It's cold and it's 10pm, I have know where to stay so I don't have a clue what I'm going to do. I can't get a train home because all of my stuff is in her apartment. Why would she do this?

I only had about £30 on my but that's enough for a drink.
I made my way to the nearest pub and within an hour I had no money left because id spend it on alcohol, and a girl sitting on my lap.

Bit of a filter but I wanted to post Brads Pov too😋 please vote and comment. It would mean allot

Jodie xxx

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