Petsy time and more McDonalds

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I couldn't get to sleep last night. I don't know whether it was because I was constantly replaying the conversation I had with Brad at my door or because Parisa had the TV on full blast most of the night.

It's 10:30am which means I have an hour to get ready before we need to set off to the time square. We haven't done a meet up since Charlie and Mikey left so it will be nice to have a catch up with the fans.

I walk into the kitchen and I'm socked to see that P is actually already up and eating breakfast at the table. I thought I'd have to drag her out of bed this morning. Parisa does have her own room in my apartment and no I don't think that's weird.

"Morning girllllll" she sings to me as I walk over to the bread bin.
"Morning.. Somebody seems happier then usual considering its still morning" I laughed at put some bread in the toaster.
"Well am I not allowed to be happy for no reason." She looked at me confused.
"No, now spill" I glared at her as she rolled her eyes.

"James asked me if I wanted to go round to his after the meet up and help him finish a song here been working on"
"Aww does baby P have a crush on my James" I laughed and winked at her, and in return a received a punch in my arm.
"Shut up and go get ready before you make us late"

Me and Parisa arrive at in the town square and head towards the bench that we usually go to for meet ups. As we approach we see quite a large group of people and I recognise some of them so we head to them. One by one they all start to spot us and send us the biggest smiles ever.

"Hey guys, we've missed you so much! How are you all?!" I squeal as we start to give everybody hugs.
We sit and chat for a while about how Charlie and Mikey are doing and if Petsy are going to do any covers soon. After about 25 minutes I heard a few screams and I felt a walk hand on my shoulder.
"Fancy seeing you here" I recognised that Brummie accent strait away and quickly turned to face him.
"You stalking me Bradley?" I raised my eyebrows at him and he started to smirk.
"Hey you invited me!" We both laugh and he come and sits down with me and Parisa on the bench.
Obviously they fans are going insane because Bradley Simpson just came and sat with them.
We stayed there for about an hour and a half until we decided that we were hungry so me said our goodbyes and the three of us walk of.

"Where are we eating then?" I asked looking at the both of them.
"Well actually I'm going to Jame's remember? So I'll text you later but I'm going to have to go" she pulled me into a tight hug and whispered "use protection" before laughing and walking away.

"So then Bradley, where is it going to be then? We can't get McDonalds for the third day in a row can we?" I laughed.
"Actually we can because I really want some chicken nuggets" and with that he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the street asif he thought they were going to run out of chicken nuggets.

We sat in McDonalds for about half an hour eating and talking about random stuff just like yesterday. I had to start work at 5pm so we decided to start walking home seen as it was already 4pm and I needed to get changed.
We walked In Silence for a while, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was nice.

"Sooo James said you have the day off tomorrow?"Brad broke the silence.
"Yeah there's only so many days a week I can be nice to people all day" I laughed and Brad smiled.
"Well that's good because it means that I can take you on our date" he looked down at me and smiled but he looked abit worried.
"That would be lovely" I smiled back.
"Good, I didn't know whether or not you actually wanted to go, you seemed abit on edge last night."
"Don't be silly of corse I do, you just caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting it."
I could see him grin out of the corner of my eye, was that because of me?!
"But where are we going? I need to no what to wear?" I ask because I hate suprises.
"Ahh that I can't tell you, but James has told Parisa what you should wear don't worry. And before you go pesting her, she doesn't know where we are going, just what to dress you in."
I poured at him and he laughed. By now we'd reached the entrance to my apartment block, I stop and turned to face Bradley.
"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then Bradley" I smiled at him and he pulled me not one of his bear hugs.
"See you tomorrow Betsy Blue"
"Please just call me Betsy, Betsy Blue makes me sound like a five year old"
"Well don't call me Bradley then, that makes me sound like a five year old" we both giggled slightly.
"But I like Bradley" I pouted at him and gave him me innocent look.
"And I like Betsy Blue"
"Fineeee.. Bye Bradley"
"Bye Betsy Blue"
He walked off into the distance and I ran up to my apartment. Shit I'm going to be late for work. Wear is my uniform?
Quick filter chapter but I promise the next chapter will be better 🙈 thankŷou for reading

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