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Luno was not expecting to see her and together with a guy. Why Julia was with this guy and to know that he is the CEO of this company? He was confused. Isn't Julia was supposed to be at work?

Even Theo was shocked too when he heard Julia mentioned his name. Lulu. He heard that name many times and that's the name he wanted to remove its attachment to Julia or anything related to her. But he can't deny that Luno was the beginning of Julia. He just appeared randomly into their life.

"What are you doing here, Julia? Why are you with Mr. Leviticu?" Sara asked out of nowhere as they exchanged glances with each other.

This made Julia even more surprised that Sara knew Theo. "Y-You know him?" she pointed at him. Since when did Sara know Theo?

"So you must be her friends?" Theo asked, trying out to remove the awkwardness that was starting to spread among them. This is his first time to meet her friends from the start. Theo tried his best not to share any eye contact to Luno at first. He seems hesitant to look at him.

"Yes, we are." Sara began to feel comfortable when Theo mentioned them. "We are her friends." She excitedly said and introduced themselves to him.

"Excellent. As you can see, I wanted to talk to Miss Julia about our proposal to her."

"Proposal? What proposal?" Sara asked, wondering what that was.

"I'm persuading her to be my model."

No one between them have courage to tell the whole truth to Luno at that moment. No one.

But Julia was glad that Theo came to an excuse to be his model and she agreed in no time and it did sound a good excuse to see Theo often.

Luno lightened up when he heard that, too happy and excited that Theo will hire her as his model. He ran towards her and embrace her tightly and saying that he was glad that she will be their model. Theo just looked at them with jealousy as Julia tried to sound happy too.

"I'm sure you can pull it off, Julia. You have the potential to be a model." Luno cheered her.

"I'm jealous that you hit the jackpot." Sara said, excited too to hear the news.

"Y-yeah, me too." She said.

"If you let us be first, I would like to have a word with her about this." Theo said, started to walk off as Julia followed and asked them to wait for her to make it that everything is still normal.

They were now inside the elevator exclusively for Theo only. His office located at the 23rd floor so they have a bit of long way to go. They were silent and Julia doesn't know what to say.

"That's Luno?" he asked.


"I'm glad that I see him finally. I almost tell him that your girlfriend no longer loves you and she loves me now." He said. Julia pinched his arm for making that bold statement and he giggled. He gave some tickles to her and the elevator was filled with their laughter.

"Stop, Theo."

Theo pinned her to the wall as she keeps on laughing and eventually died down when his eyes were filled of admiration for her. The sound of their breath were the only ones they can hear and 14 floors to go before they arrive to his office and before anyone can see them.

"I'm serious about that. But just like you, I have no courage to tell. How could you tell that to him when he loves you, took care of you and mold you to be woman you are? I just can't tell that to him. At some point in your past, he became your world and everything. I'm jealous but let's face it you two are not yet officially over until we tell it."

Julia cupped his face, looking to his eyes. She leaned closer to him and Theo pushed himself to hers, kissing her deeply inside the elevator. Julia didn't even hold back and equally kissing him back with so passion. Flames where ignited from the inside, sparks flew as they shared lewd kisses.

"I love you, Julia." He said in between their kisses as Julia pulled him again for a kiss. She just can't let him go.

"Me too.." she moaned. Too drowned with whatever was going on right now.

They were almost there but Theo quickly pushed the down button. The elevator moved down. He can go back to his work later but her kisses was something that made him alive and heated.

"I want you to be mine, Julia. All mine.." he went for her neck, slowly at first, kissing, nibbling it until he can't get enough anymore. His teeth grazed to her skin, looking for more spot to put marks to show that she was his. Not even Luno, can't take her away from him. It doesn't matter if he is the boyfriend or not, but what matter is her heart beats only for Theo and not for Luno anymore. He's at the winning streak.

The elevator was filled with their moans, can't get enough for each other. Theo can't even remember how many times he pushed the button until they are satisfied. Theo pulled from the kiss and both of them panted like almost out of breath. Their faces were flustering red and he knew that Julia was embarrassed.

"Hey.." he lifted her chin, wanting to see her eyes looking at him. "We will get through this. Maybe not today but we are going to tell him. I'll come with you to confess everything." He promised.

"I trust you, Theo." She said as he pulled her again to his embrace.

Julia can't get over the kiss in the elevator. It was too risky that may someone can see them making out. That would be embarrassing. Theo was quick to changed buttons so no one knew what happened inside his elevator.

"Looks like you're happy?" Luno noticed it.

"Ah, y-yes.. I just can't believe that he was hiring me to be his model." Julia lied.

"I'm so proud of you, Julia. You know, you wanted to be a model." He said. There he goes again with his stories. It was kind of annoying already that he needs to stop telling about her dreams before when they were still together. "I remember you tried to submit your papers in modelling agencies but nothing happens. I guess it's your time to have your dream you abandoned."

"That's great then. Why didn't I abandon that dream anyway?" she asked, trying to entertain him.

"Well, because you said your yes to me when I courted you. You said, that your number one dream was me. So you forgotten all about them. Later on, we decided to left the orphanage and started our life just on our own." He reminisced.

Even when remembering the past was kind of annoying, she can't help but to feel sad all over again. He really has no idea that she was planning to abandon him when the truth comes out.

"I love you, Julia. Remember that."

Julia didn't say anything. "I know that, Lulu."

"I don't know why are you not falling for me yet. Funny thing that it took me long to fell for you then I just realized that I think I love you back then. What can I do to make you love me again?" he asked. There was hurt in his voice and she didn't miss it.

She didn't know what to say. It's not yet the time to tell him.

"We'll see."

He just smiled. It was evident that he was hurt with what she said. "I can't wait it to happen."

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