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Just like what Theo promised to her, did come back as often as he likes that left Julia always in a good mood. She didn't know what was had gotten to her recently but looks like she was liking his presence inside the cafe. She didn't push him away and has been like this ever since their date.

"Flowers for you." Jemmie said, handing the red roses to Julia.

She excitedly took it and opened the note to reveal something so unexpected and heart dropped when she read Luno's name. Julia expected someone else. 

"Don't you like Lulu's flowers for you?" Jemmie asked.

"It's not like th--Theo!" Julia exclaimed once she saw Theo walked in to their cafe. "Welcome." she greeted him cheerfully and placed the flowers to the back. 

"You look happy." he noticed, ordering his usual order--capuccino.

Julia blushed hard. Wait, wasn't she that obvious? Does she looks delighted to see him? Usually they will bicker and made her frown for the whole day but magic happens that her mood lightened whenever he comes by.

Magic do exist.

Theo noticed the flowers at the back and asked about it. "Whose flowers belong that?" he pointed out the flowers.

"Ju--" Jemmie was about to answer when Julia elbowed her and earn a glare at the younger, asking her what was the problem.

"Jemmie owns them." Julia answered instead. Jemmie had this owlish expression when she pointed out that those flowers belong to her and not to Julia. 

"I thought it was yours." he said, taking a sip of his order.

Jemmie wanted to but in but it seems these two had their own world once they started to talk between them, forgetting the others around them. This has been going for a month now and she had a bad feeling about their sudden closeness.

Theo was so transparent and obviously he likes Julia. But he knew his limit especially if he knows that Julia has now a boyfriend. But it seems he had no idea at all that Julia has Luno now in her life. 

"I have to go. Thanks again." Theo said, paying up for his order and gave a wink at Julia. She just waved her hand for a goodbye. 

"Julia, haven't you told him yet that you have now a boyfriend? You must have forgotten about the fact that you are taken. You shouldn't flirting with him. You're getting his hopes up." Jemmie said, confronting her once Theo exits.

The only time that Julia remembered that she has a boyfriend when she gets home and that hits her hard that Luno existed on her life. The only man she had allowed to like him until Theo comes along. But whenever she sees Theo, she instantly forgotten about Luno and felt guilty about it.

Now Jemmie reminded her about Luno, she felt thrice bad as ever. 

"So, you haven't told him yet." Jemmie sighed frustratedly. "Why are you not saying anything yet?" she asked again. 

"I don't know. It feels like I do not want him to know." she admitted.

"What are you saying?" 

Julia thought foe a while. What was holding her back not to say about her relationship with Luno?

"Jemmie, I have this weird feeling whenever I see him especially when we are together. My heart goes crazy whenever I hear his laugh and see his smile. I can't understand my feelings any longer. I know this is wrong but I'm only feeling this for Theo. As for Luno, I don't really feel anything for him anymore." Julia finally admitted.

There she let it all out what went on her mind.

Jemmie's mouth went agape. Is this really happening to her?

"Are you saying you like Theo?" she asked.

"I don't know. I'm confused. I'm trying my best to love Luno until Theo comes along. I don't know anymore."

Jemmie knew that Julia was fucked up.

She felt that Julia has mutual feelings with Theo.

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