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In the end, Julia didn't tell the whole thing to Luno. Suddenly, guilt takes over and didn't tell it. She was really afraid hurting him. It wasn't easy hurting the person who genuinely loves and cares for you, just wanting you get back to him. 

"I understand." Theo said when Julia told what happened with their date. 

"I'm sorry. But don't worry. If I have courage enough, I will tell him."

"This will be hard for him. He will move on." he assured her. Will that be easy to move one easily?

"You think so?"

"Probably. But that's the way it is, right?" 

Theo pulled her hand and brought it closer to his lips that made her heart flutter. It feels new feeling blooming everytime he did something sweet to her. She likes his touches and soft kisses on her hand. She wondered what it also felt to kiss him since they have not been doing it yet. 

"Do you want us to say it together, Julia?" he asked. This made her shock. There is no way she will do that. "I may sound selfish but I do not want to keep it hidden. I want to proudly show and introduce you to the world."

Of course, Julia wants that to happen to let the world knows too that she was lucky to have Theo as her boyfriend. He was sweet, kind, thoughtful and considerate to everyone. He was also humble, not bragging his wealth to anyone. He still lives in simplicity such as coming to their old cafe to drink a coffee. If she was going to settle and build a family someday, she can see herself being Theo's wife. 

"Me too, Theo." she agreed.

Julia arrived home and remembered that it's Lunos' day-off. Once she entered the house, the food is ready on the table. Luno was sitting down with photo albums on his hands. He didn't notice her presence for he was busy looking the pictures.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" she asked that made Luno jolt in surprise. His face lit up when he saw her. 

"Come and look, Julia. I checked the basement this morning and found these. I must have taken them down." he said. Julia sat down beside him and peeked in what he was looking for. Pictures of kids and as he flipped the pages, pictures of teenagers that looked familiar.

"I-Is that us?" she asked, pointing out the two teenagers who were blushing crazily and behind them were bunch of kids too that probably teasing them. 

Luno laughed. It was funny to see the pictures again. He didn't even know what makes him bring these old pictures when they move out to the city. 

"Yeah, it's us. Do you know what happened back then?"

Julia quickly shook her head. "No."

"That was the day I confessed to you. I brought my guitar to serenade you and friends keep teasing us. The girls told you to say yes and you did as you threw yourself to me until Mother Superior got mad and made us clean the toilet for one week." he remembered. 

"Really? That's awful." she said but it was quite funny.

"Yeah, it was. We even teased her behind our back that she was bitter about it because no men took interest her when she was young."

"Oh my gosh, no way!" Julia giggled. "I hope she didn't hear that."

Luno flipped another page and it was a love letter of Julia to him. She read her letter and giggled. "Hey, did I write those things? It's cringy." she shivered, thinking her naive she  was and fell head over heels for Luno. 

"Indeed but I love reading it over and over again when the first time I received it." Luno flipped another page and another letter again. This time it was from him to Julia. " I also have a letter for you."

Julia read it, trying to visualize when she was in love with Luno. She might be giddy, rolling on her bed in excitement and joy when she received her letter from him. And to think it back, their letter was dated a decade ago. They really started when they were teenagers. 

"We've come a long way." Luno said. Now it made her sad when he mentioned their 10 year old relationship. Sad to say how many yeras you have spend together, if it bounded to end , it will happen. 

"Can you tell our promises we made years ago, Lulu?" she asked. She was curios to know. 

"We promised that we will be together forever. You will grow old with me. We will build a family and raise 10 children.."

"Hey, that's too many!" she protested that made Luno laughed again. 

"Okay, we said 5 kids.."

"That's still many."

"Hey, you want 5 kids." he reminded her which was useless anyway since she can't remember that. 

"I can't remember."

"Of course, you won't remember because of your amnesia, duh." Julia poked his waist that made his giggled. He was tickled with that.  "Anyway, we want to raise 5 kids. We will watch them grow to be successful and fall in love. Someday, when they have their own kids, we will watch them too. But the most important thing is we have each other until our last breath."

Julia can't help but to picture everything what he said on her mind. Yes, she will get married someday, have kids and grandchildren and staying faithfully on her husband's side until their last breath. 

It was too painful to picture it when she can imagine herself doing that with Theo and not with Luno anymore.  

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