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Julia finally back to the old city where she lost her memories and met Theo. After deciding, she wanted to see him again. And if she will see him again, she promised to fight their love. She will be braver to fight their love from Luno and will face him afterwards to end their relationship. 

Jemmie had Theo's address to Julia. Even Jemmie was worried to her decision even when she told him to make things right and fight for her love for Theo. Julia was sure and she will do whatever she can to be with Theo. Now that she was back in the city, there was no backing down. She had to do to what she needed to do. She was nervous and at the same time excited to see him. It's been half a year since they last saw each other. She can't wait to see him again.

Julia knew that Theo was living alone in his condominium. He might be at home tonight, probably feeling sad over her sudden disappearance. Probably, he was missing her or maybe the previous he was still looking all over for her. If she knocked and open the door, he will be happy to see her again.

Her phone vibrated and she knew who was calling her. But Julia refused to answer. She might changed her mind when she answered it when she hear Lunos' voice. She didn't want to hear the hurt in his voice, begging him to come back. She remembered too that it was their anniversary today and all of days she chose to do this was their anniversary. But right now, all she can think of was to see Theo. She wanted to hug him, kiss him and feel him once again in her arms.

Julia pressed the doorbell. Once, twice, thrice until the fifth ring. He must be asleep now. She sighed and probably will go back tomorrow. She will just book a hotel to stay for tonight. She turned her back around when he finally opened the door.

"Yes?" there was a hesitation in his voice. As if trying to feel if he knows her. 

Julia slowly turned around and his jaw dropped to see her again. She smiled at him, stopping herself to cry. "Miss me?" she asked. 

Theo was too shocked. Is he seeing her right in front of his door? Julia approached him and cupped his face. Theo felt like this a dream. He has been dreaming her ever since and can't believe she was actually here.

"Julia? Is that really you? Y-You came back?" he held her hands that touched his face. She was real, he thought. This isn't a dream. 

"I missed you. I came back for you." She wiped the tears that started to fall off on Theo's eyes. He didn't realize that he was now crying. "Don't cry, love. I'm here." 

Theo pulled her for a hug and Julia wrapped her arms around his neck. She missed his scent that it feels a long time when they separated. Now she was sure that she made a decision to see him again. She was willing to forget everything between her and Luno just to be with Theo.

"I thought I will never see you again. I looked everywhere for you. I asked Jemmie everytime if she has any idea where can I find you." Theo said when they went inside to his place to talk and sort what needed to sort out. 

Julia held his hand and intertwined to his. She missed holding his hands. "I missed you so much, Theo."

"Me too. I missed you too, Julia." 

"I made up my mind. I want to be with you." 

"Y-You're not mad at me for what I did when I left you in the park?" he asked. 

Julia shook her head. Of course, she was upset when he did that. She felt betrayed but she knew he just did the right thing. He wanted to fix  the mess they did and talked to Luno about them. If only they did it earlier, they won't be reaching to this point. 

"You did the right thing. Running away from Luno won't help. We need to face him and tell him about us." 

"I thought you want to start over again with Luno? Your friends told me that you will give your  relationship with Luno a chance?" 

"I did but I can't continue fooling myself anymore that there was still hope for us. You're the one I love now, Theo. I want to spend my lives with you. I want us to start all over again with you. You're the one that I want." she said.

Theo has never been happy to hear it. It was a good start for them. He will complied to what she wants for them because he was also thinking the same way in their relationship.

"I will fight our love from Luno, Theo." she said.

"Me too, love. I will do what it takes for us to be together. I love you." he said when he pressed his forehead on hers. He kissed her nose then to her lips. 

"I love you too, Theo." she answered softly and kissed him back.

Her heart jumped in joy to see him, touch him and feel his lips again. His tongue entered now to her mouth, deepening more of their kiss. Then his kiss went to her jaw, chin then to her neck, aiming for her soft spot. When he heard her soft moan, he didn't stop for that spot, continuing to look more for sensitive spot, leaving marks to know that she belonged to him and he belonged to her.

Theo slowly lied her down on his couch and kissed her again in the lips. Her hands were all over to is hair, tugging it as it followed the rhythm of their kisses. It felt like all of a sudden the room felt hot. His hands started went to her breast then to her thighs that it made her aroused. She can also felt the hardness that he was aroused as well. He slid his hand inside of her that made her moan in both pain then pleasure.

Theo lifted her dress, removing everything on her until she was naked below him. Julia was shy but he assured her she was beautiful and he will be careful on her. He just can't help himself the desire of his lust that he really missing her so much. He wanted to hold and touch her for so long that the tension between them was strong.

"Promise me not to leave me again?" he asked between their kisses and moans. 

Julia nodded her head, unable to answer but she promised she will never leave him ever again. 

"I will fight for our love, Theo. Promise that." she softly said then pressed her lips again to his.

The room was filled with their moans as they exchanged kisses while he thrust inside of her, careful enough not to hurt her that much. He began to moved fast when she asked her too, begging him to do more and telling him how much she missed him and loves him. 

"I love you..T-Theo.." she said, face was flustered, holding him so close for she was close in her climax. 

"Do not leave me again. We will be together and fight for our love."

"I k-know.." 

"I love you so much, Julia." he said as if speaking more sentences was getting hard. He was almost close as her. 

Soon, they both came out and removed himself inside of her. He lay down at the top of her while Julia didn't mind at all if he was heavy or not. She was just happy that she finally hold him in her arms. 

They might be wrong but they promised to make it right. For now, they want to enjoy this night just the two them as the phone kept on silently ringing.


[unedited] this is cringe. >,<

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