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"Love, say cheese." Luno said as he snapped a picture of them. Julia just smiled behind him. "Are you okay?" he asked. She looked so down lately as if something is bothering her. 

"I'm okay." 

Luno embraced and kissed her forehead. "Is something bothering you?" he asked again. 

There is., she said to herself. But I do not want you get hurt. 

"I'm here to listen to you. So if anything bothers you, please tell me, okay?" Luno said, releasing himself from the hug and patted her head. 

"Yes, of course." she lied. 

They were on another date and this time Luno took her to the beach. Luno narrated everything that they made a promise to each other that when they have enough money with them, they will have a beach wedding. Like, she always wanted. 

Luno narrated to her how she always likes ocean even when she was abandoned by her parents when she was 5. Luno first saw her and took her with him to the orphanage home with the other kids and nuns to take care of her. Her life basically starts in the orphanage home with Luno. 

"How did I fell in love with you?" she asked.

"Because I'm handsome?" 

Julia pinched his arm for joking instead giving of answers. This made Luno laughed and she can't help but to laugh too. 

"I don't know exactly. Sisters said you really like me since you were 12. You handed me a love letter during Valentines' Day. I was confused and received the letter and you ran off. I read it immediately and was surprise that you really like me and asked me to be your boyfriend." he chuckled as he remembered that.

"I didn't know I was bold to do that." 

"I know. But guess what? I like you too eventually and I didn't waste anytime to courted you. Sisters were supportive of us. You easily gave your yes." 

Julia tried to racked her brains for any information that made her fell for Luno. Everytime she looked at him, there were so many things to fall for. He was handsome, funny, kind, generous, selfless, a gentlemen and many things that she almost thought he could passed as an angel. 

Luno wasn't that hard to love. But why she was having a hard time to fall for him? 

"You know what? It doesn't matter if you can't regain your memories, Julia." he said. "It doesn't really matter now. I just want you to love me again like old times." 

Julia can felt the sadness in his eyes when he said that. He looked so devastated to make her love him again. She wanted to console him, saying it will happen but it felt something stuck on her throat and just simply nodded as she looked away from his eyes. 

I'm sorry, she said once again to herself.

Theo handed her a rose and a small box of chocolate to Julia. She shyly smiled and said her thanks to him. She doesn't even know what has gotten to him and just suddenly gives her gifts.

"I've been noticing that your down lately. What's bothering you?" he asked, worried for her. 

"It's nothing. Probably I'm just tired."

"Should you take a day-off?" he suggested. "Don't overwork yourself, okay?" he winked at her that made Julia blushed. 

"Maybe, I'll try asking for a day-off. Maybe you're right. Maybe I really need it."

"Just tell me when you're having your day-off. Let's go on another date.

"A-Another date?" she asked, hoping she didn't sound excited with his invitation. Her heart started to race fast when he said that. She suddenly want to ask for a day-off right now just to be with Theo. 

"Julia must have forgotten to tell you something..." Jemmie said from behind and both of them looked into her. Julia glared at her, making eye signal to stop if she was planning to say something. 

"Oh, what is it then?" Theo asked as he return back his gaze to Julia and smiled. "Is there something I don't know?"  

Julia felt nervous and red when he asked for it. Jemmie just stood behind Theo, waiting for her to say something. Theo looked excited to know what Julia must supposed to tell him. Should she tell him right now? It felt like a cafe won't be a good place to spill secrets. 

She was saved when the cafe's bell rang signalling someone came in. A delivery guy with a bouquet of flowers was looking for Julia Amora. Jemmie pointed at her while Theo looked surprised with the flowers that the delivery guy gave to Julia. 

"I didn't know you have a secret admirer." Theo teased at her when Julia received it. "So, who is he?" he asked, curious to know who gave her the flowers. 

Julia didn't need to look for the name and obviously it was from Luno. He was so persistent to make her love him again. If ever he knew that she was falling for someone else, he will probably stop from sending her flowers. 

"It's a secret." she just said and put the flowers behind her. 

"Seems I have a competition, huh?" 

"W-What?" Julia turned around, not sure if she heard him right. Jemmie still stood behind him and had this expression that was hard to explain. "Did you say something?" 

"I said, it seems I have competition to win you over." 

"To win over m-me?" she pointed herself, sounding so dumb right now. Theo rolled his eyes that he had to repeat what he just said. 

"Julia, I like you." he said. "I'm falling for you." 

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